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Can I pull or create a report with all my scores for each assignment?
My percentage complete is not 100% in my dashboard.
My percentage complete is not calculating.
Application is missing sections, questions, and/or attached document.
A question is missing from my scorecard.
How do I print my scores?
Can I change my scores after they have been entered?
My scoring comment is not showing
My scores are not saving.
How do I extend the size of my score card?
Our organization does a blind process review. When I login to the Reviewer Dashboard I can see the applicant's name on the list, on the PDF, and when I open the PDF. How do I hide that information.
I submitted my review, how do I change it after the fact?
I am unable to submit my review assignment.
I can not open any of the applicant's uploaded documents. What do I do?
I am having trouble getting the applicant's application to print.
I am trying to view the reviewer scorecard PDF and it is not showing any of the data that I entered?
I am trying to open the reviewer scorecard PDF and it is not opening. What do I do?
I am trying to open the reviewer PDF and it is not opening. What do I do?
I clicked on the "View Application" button for an applicant and the application is not opening or showing in a separate window. How do I resolve this?
I did not receive my credentials to log in?
I do not know what my password is?
I have forgotten my password, how do I retrieve it?
I entered my user id and password, but received an error message "invalid user id/password", what does that mean?
I do not know what my password is?
I have forgotten my password, how do I retrieve it?
I entered my user id and password, but received an error message "invalid user id/password", what does that mean?
I do not know what my user id is?
I logged into the system and there is a message "no records found". What do I do?
How do I change my user id?
How do I change my password.