The View Matching Grants process, allows you to have the ability to be matched to multiple funding award options based on criteria questions created in the application form. You can be matched to available funding within the same application form and/or funding available in additional applications as determined by your funding provider and how the application form has been created.
As you answer criteria questions in the application, if that question(s) criteria’s reply is the same as the reply needed to meet the funding available, you will be matched to that additional funding or the additional application form available to apply for the funding.
- Step 1: Once you select an application and begin applying to that application, the application’s dashboard will have a “View Matching Grants” option.
- Step 2: As you complete the application and answer the common fund eligibility criteria questions, the system will start matching you to the other applications/funding based on that criteria’s reply. When you click on the View Matching Grants option, and a match is found, a listing of those matched applications/funding will appear:
- Step 3a: If the funding you are being matched to is directly linked within this application form, and no other application is required for that funding, you will only see a listing of the funding you’ve been matched to. You can click on the View located to the right of each funding to see detailed information regarding that specific fund. You can select the Go Back to return to the application dashboard.
- Step 3b: If each funding you’ve been matched to has its application form, you will have the ability to opt-in and Apply to that application. Each application/funding that you matched to will have the “Opt-In” column checked. You can unselect any application you do not want to apply to. You can click on “View” to view details about that application's funding. You can click on the Go Back to return to the application’s dashboard.
- Select an application form to apply to make sure that the Opt-In has been selected for that funding. If you do not want to apply to a specific application, you can unselect the Opt-in for that specific funding.
- Once you have selected the applications you want to Opt-In to and apply, select the Apply button to start the application forms. You will receive a message confirming you want to apply. Click Continue with Apply.
- You will get the message that you have applied successfully and can click OK.
- When you click on your “My Applications” tab, those additional applications will now be listed. You will need to click on each separate application to complete it and submit it, as well as complete and submit the originating application that you started.