(Special Feature available only if activated by the site provider)
Using the Manage Members feature, organizations can have all their users from their organization linked together and be able to assign a Primary User(s) to be able to access all applications from all members that have been identified as part of their organization.
After an individual from an organization that is a Primary User of that organization, logs into their account they have the ability to be able to create accounts for all members of their organization.
- Important Note: If you are an existing client, you can only create and Manage Member profiles for other users within your organization that have not yet created accounts on the site. If an individual already has an account, you will need to contact the Database Administrator to have them link that profile to your organization.
- Step 1: Log in to your account using your login credentials
- Step 2: From your account dashboard select the arrow located next to your name located at the top of the page.
- Step 3: Then select the Manage Members option.
- Step 4: This will open the Manage Members information page. Your profile will be listed already in the report listing and marked as the Primary User. All members, that have been linked to your organization, will show in the listing. This is where you will return anytime you want to edit users from your organization.
12.1.1 Creating an account for members of your organization.
- Step 1: From the Manage Members page select the Create User button.
- The following page will open:
- Step 2: Complete all the fields as follows:
- Fields marked with an * are required fields and must be populated.
- First Name (*required field) – Enter the User’s First Name
- Middle Name – Enter the User’s middle name or middle initial
- Last Name – (*required field) - Enter the User’s Last Name
- Email (*required field) – This is the user’s email address. This will be their login ID.
- Work Phone – Enter the User’s contact phone number
- Cell Phone – Enter the User’s cell phone
- Assign Password Manually? – Select this box if you are going to create a password manually for the user.
If not checked the system will generate a temporary password for the user.
If checked a field will open up to enter their Password. Type their password here.
Note: Once passwords are created, you will not be able to see this password or have access to any of the passwords listed in the data grid.
- Is Primary User – Select this if the applicant is to be a Primary user for the organization. The primary user will have access to all user’s application within the same organization.
- Send Authentication Email – Select this box if you want the system to send an email to the user that you are creating the account for, notifying them that an account has been created. If you do not select this option, you will be responsible for notifying the user outside the system.
- Step 3: Once you have entered all the required information, click Save and Exit to save the user account and return to the Setup Users Listing.
- Step 4: If an account already exist for this individual you will receive the following message. You will then need to contact the Database administrator to have that account linked to your organization. Click OK.
If they do not have an account already, you will get the following message if you selected the Send Authentication Email you will get the following message, click OK and the account will now show in the Manage Members screen.
If you did not select the Send Authentication Email, you will return to the Manage Members screen and the new user account will now appear in the listing.
12.1.2 Searching for Existing Users
The top section of the Setup Users page is the Search By: section where you can search for an existing user. You can search by the user's Email, Last Name, First Name, Status, Type, and by Profile ID (if applicable).
- Step 1: To search for a user, enter one or more search criteria, and then click the Search button to search for their user account
12.1.3 Editing a User’s Account
You can edit a user’s account by selecting the Edit Icon next to the user’s name.
This will open the edit screen where you can edit their information. Be sure to click Save to save the information you updated.
12.1.4 Marking a User as the Primary User/Removing Primary User Status
You can select more than one individual within your organization to be a Primary User on the account. All Primary Users will have access to all user’s application forms within the same organization as well as update the Agency Profile data for everyone linked within the same organization.
- Step 1: In the Manage Members Section locate the member you want to mark as a Primary User.
- Step 2: In the row for their name select the selection box to select their name.
- Step 3: Then Click the Choose Action dropdown and select the Mark as Primary option to Add them as the Primary User. Their status under the Primary User Column will then show as Yes and they will be able to view everyone’s applications within the organization.
To remove their Primary User status, click the Mark as Not Primary and the Primary User Column will change to No. If no, they will only be able to access their own application forms.
12.1.5 Selecting Users to receive all Notifications sent to all users within an organization
You can select more than one individual within your organization to be included to receive email notifications sent to all applicants within your organization for the Database Administrator. Once selected to receive notifications, each time an email from an applicant within your organization is sent by the Database Administrator, that user will also be copied on the notification sent.
Note: To be included to receive notifications, they do not have to be a Primary User.
- Step 1: In the Manage Members Section locate the member you want to receive the notifications.
- Step 2: In the row for their name select the selection box to select their name.
- Step 3: Then Click the Choose Action dropdown and select the Enable Notification option to enable the ability to send notifications. Their status under the Notification Column will then show as Yes and they will be able to be included in email notifications.
To Disable the Notification, click the Disable Notification and the Notification column will change to No. If no, they will no longer be included in email notifications.
12.1.6 Making a Profile Active/Inactive
When someone leaves your organization and you no longer want that user to have access to their application forms, DO NOT DELETE that users account. Deleting will remove all history and any application forms they created will not be available. Instead you will mark them as “Inactive” if they leave, and then you can always mark them “Active” if they need to have access once again.
- Step 1: In the Manage Members section locate the member you want to Activate or make Inactive.
- Step 2: In the row for their name select the selection box to select their name.
- Step 3: Then Click the Choose Action dropdown and select the Inactive option to change their status to Inactive. Their status under the Status column will then show as Inactive and they will no longer be able to login using that account.
To re-activate an Inactive account, click the Active option and their status will then change to Active and they can once again log in using that account.
12.1.7 Deleting User Accounts
Use extreme caution when deleting users from the site. You will never want to Delete a user account that has already created application forms on the site. Deleting a user will delete their entire history and any applications they created or assisted on as a Collaborator or Proxy on other application forms.
They only time it is recommended to delete an account is if you created the account in error and that user has never created application forms on the site or been included as a Collaborator or Proxy an other application forms.
- Step 1: In the Manage Members Section locate the member you want to Delete.
- Step 2: In the row for their name select the selection box to select their name.
- Step 3: Then Click the Choose Action dropdown and select the Delete User(s) option to Delete their account.
- Step 4: a message will appear confirming the deletion. Click Ok
You can also delete a user’s account by selecting the trash can Icon next to the user’s name.
12.1.8 Resetting a User’s Password
Users can reset their own passwords by selecting the Forgot Password on the Login page. However, the Primary user of an organization also has the ability to reset passwords for the other users within their organization.
- Step 1: In the Manage Members Section locate the member you want to reset the password for.
- Step 2: In the row for their name select the selection box to select their name.
- Step 3: Then Click the Choose Action dropdown and select the Reset Password option to reset their password.
- Step 4: A message will appear notifying you that an email notification(s) has been sent to the applicant. This email will give them instructions on how to reset their password. Click
12.2 How the Primary User Accesses Other Users Application Forms
When the Primary user logs in they will be able to view all the applications from all users in the My Applications tab.
- Step 1: Log in to your account using your login credentials
- Step 2: Click on your “My Applications” tab on your dashboard.
The applications listing will show both your applications as well as those of the other members of your organization. You can select the Ownership Icon to verify the owner of that application form.