If the Submit functionality is being used by the agency you are reviewing for, you must Submit all your reviews prior to the review process being completed.
You can only Submit completed reviews. Once you have Submitted a review you cannot go back in and make changes to that review.
You can submit your review scores in two different ways, while in the Applicant Score Sheet or from the Review Applicants listing page.
7.1 Submitting your review while in the Applicant Score Sheet
While you are reviewing your applicants, once you are 100% complete with the review and have saved your replies, you can use the Submit option within the score sheet to submit your final replies.
- Step 1: As you review each applicant, once you completed all questions and are 100% complete and have saved your replies using the Save button (not Save & Exit or Save & Next) and are still in the Applicant’s Score Sheet page you will see the Submit button.
- Step 2: Click the Submit button to submit that applicant’s review. This will return you to the Review Applicants page where it will then show that applicant as Yes under the Is Submitted column.
7.2 Submitting your reviews from the Review Applicants page
If you wish to wait and Submit all your reviews after you have completed reviewing, you can also use the Submit option located on the Review Applicants listing page. On the Review Applicants you can select one or multiple applicants to submit all at once. The review must show as 100% completed before you can submit the applicant.
- Step 1: From the Review Applicants page select one or more applicants that you want to submit, by putting a check mark in the box to the left of the applicant’s name.
- Step 2: Select the Submit button at the top of the page to submit the applicant(s) you have selected.
- Step 3: You will receive a message notifying you the review has been submitted. Click ok.
- Step 4: The Is Submitted column will now show as Yes for the applicants you have submitted.