Use Upload Applicant Credentials to Create User Accounts from an Import File
Administration > Upload Applicant Credentials
You can create new or update existing user accounts using an Excel or an XML import file.
Note: This function can only be performed for Applicant and Reviewer accounts.
To create new user accounts from an Excel import file:
1. Click Excel for the Select Type (of file) setting.
2. Click the Excel logo icon to download a pre-formatted Excel document that contains all the required mapped fields to create the user accounts.
3. Open the downloaded Excel file. Add the data for each user account to be created from the import file.
4. Click Upload Excel File and select the newly created import file.
Note: If you need to remove the file you have uploaded, click the Delete (trash can) icon to the right of the filename.
5. Click the Save button to import the new user data.
If your file is in the correct format, a confirmation message will display. Click Ok to complete the import.
If your file contains errors or is not formatted correctly, an error message will display. Click Ok