You can use the question type "Application Link" Creating the Application Link question allows you to create a question where the applicant can click a link to be directed to another application.
Step 1: When creating your question select the Application Link question type:
Step 2: In the Selected Application field click on the drop-down arrow to see a listing of available applications. Select the application you want the applicant to be directed to.
Note: the application they are linking to, must have a future begin date in order to show in the listing of available applications.
Step 3: In the Use Link To select the option that you want to occur when the applicant clicks the link.
Link: The applicant clicks on the link and a pop up appears giving them the option to apply to the application. If they click the apply button, they are then directed to the dashboard for that new application.
Apply: The applicant clicks on the link and is automatically directed to the dashboard for the new application, no option to apply is available it is automatic.
Apply and Import:The applicant clicks on the link and is automatically direct to the dashboard for the new application. Any questions that were in the original application that carry the same xml name that are present in the second linked application, will automatically be pushed down and populated with the replies in the initial application. Applicant will not be required to re-answer those questions. Once you have selected the application and the option to link to the application the link will appear in the question for the applicant to click on. Best Practice
Tip: Since this is more likely a question that you want to appear after the initial application process, it’s recommended that you create this question in a separate section. Create that section with a Section Type of “Acceptance” and a Status(es) of “Selected for Award”.That way you can control what applicants receive this section in their dashboard. Only applicants that you have moved to the status of “Selected for An Award” will see this section in their dashboard and be able to click on it. Set the deadline as either the deadline of the new application or with “No” deadline. Mark the lock after submit as “No” for this section.