Yes you can. To create automated scoring:
Step 1: While in the Evaluations Setup dashboard for your application, select the Manage Automated Scoring icon.
Step 2: The Manage Automated Scoring screen is displayed showing the questions that currently have automated scoring set on them.
Step 3: To create a new automated score, click on the Create Automated Scoring Criteria-button.
Step 4: The Manage Automated scoring set up page will open
Step 5: Section: Select the Section that contains the question you want to set the score on.
Step 6: Mapping Fields: Select the name of the question that the score will be set up on.
Step 7: Type of Field: This is a read only field and gets auto filled based on the type of question that you select in Mapping Fields.
Step 8: Condition: set the condition type of the field Possible conditions are: Contains – the answer/value contains this value Starts With - the answer/value starts with this value Does Not Contain - the answer/value does not contains this value Is Not Empty - the answer/value is not empty (applicant has answered this question) Is Empty - the answer/value field is empty (applicant has not answered this question) Is Exactly – the answer/value must exactly match the value. Is Less Than - the answer/value is numeric and is less than the value amount Is Equal To - the answer/value is numeric and is equal to the value amount Is Greater Than - the answer/value is greater than the value amount Is Not Equal to - the answer/value is numeric and is not equal to the amount.
Step 9: Value: This field will appear based on the Type of Field you selected. Enter the answer the applicant must answer in order to get the score.The value will need to be entered exactly as it was entered by the applicant. (I.e. a drop down listing value, must be the same value that was entered in the drop-down.)
Step 10: Score: Enter the score that the value will receive
Step 11: Has Sub condition: Set this to yes, to set up a score based on “and” or “or” Conditions with other questions within the application. Meaning they have to meet both or at least one of the conditions to get the score. When you return to the Manage Automated Scoring listing this question will show a “View” in the Sub Condition column. You will add the sub-condition by clicking on that “View”.
Step 12: Click Save and Exit to return to the automated scoring listing.