Manage Awards ~ One Fund
Accessing Manage Awards
- Step 1: From the Home dashboard > Select Application Form Name > Manage Applications > Select Manage Awards ~ One Fund
- Step 2: Select the application form that is linked directly to the funding source you are awarding by clicking on the application name under the Application Form Column. (Note: If you are using the Common application process, you will be selecting the child application, for the funding source you are awarding, not the actual common application that was used to apply.)
- Step 3: You will be directed to that application’s Manage Applications dashboard.
- Step 4: This will open the Manage Awards ~ One Fund dashboard.
- Step 5: The Manage Awards ~ One Fund report will appear, showing all the applicants that have at least a status of submitted in that application form.
The top section will show the following items:
Funding Title: This is the name of the Funding Source fund you are awarding from.
All Applicants
Amount Available – Pulling from the Funding Source Fund Setup Annual Budget that you initially established for this specific fund.
Initial Award – This is the total awarded so far from the funding source based on the Initial Award column.
Final Award – This is the total awarded so far awarded from the funding source based on the Final Award column.
Initial Award – Remaining balance to be awarded from that fund based on the Initial Award Column
Final Award – Remaining balance to be awarded from that fund based on the Final Award Column
Search By: This allows you to search for a specific applicant and award just to that specific applicant.
Filter by Status/Status Details: This allows you to filter the report to view only applicants under a specific status or status detail.
Admin PDF - Creates a PDF document of the selected applicant(s) application along with all attached documents that have all sections available for the administrators to view.
Reviewer PDF - Creates a PDF document of the selected applicant(s) application along with all attached documents. Any sections/questions that have been marked to be hidden from reviewers will not appear in the PDF document.
Export to Excel – This allows you to export the complete report to Excel, and open it on your local computer.
Notify – This allows you to send an email to the selected applicant(s), using a pre-designed email template in the notification center for that application, or a custom email just for this one mailing.
The following options are available in the reporting grid:
(You can use your scroll bar at the bottom of the page to scroll your screen right to left to view all the available columns.)
- Applicant Score: Click the Applicant score icon to see the Applicant scorecard for that applicant.
- Application Details: Click on Application Details to see the Applicants Award details.
- Applicant: The name of the applicant. Clicking on the applicant name allows you to view the applicant’s application dashboard.
- Email: Email ID of the applicant.
- Total Score: Total score given by reviewers to the applicant based on all tasks that were performed.
- Initial Award: Initial award amount total given to that applicant.
- Final Award: The final award total given to that applicant.
- Comment: Comment that can be entered by the administrator processing the awards regarding the award given to the applicant.
- Status: Current Status of the applicant
- Status Details: Status Details of the applicant
- Is Renewable – Is the award renewable award
- Renewal Start Date – if renewable what is the start date for the renewal period
- Renewal End Date - if renewable what is the end date for the renewal period
- # of Years Renewable – how many years is this award renewable for
- Next Renewal Date – what is the next start date for the next renewal period, for this award.
- Project Title – (if applicable) this is linked to the project title field in your application form. Must be set up at the time of the application created by the implementation.
- Term – (if applicable) this is linked to a term field in your application form. Must be set up at the time of the application created by the implementation.
- Start Date – (if applicable) this is linked to a Start Date field in your application form. Must be set up at the time of the application created by the implementation.
- End Date – (if applicable) this is linked to an End Date field in your application form. Must be set up at the time of the application created by the implementation.
- Country - (if applicable) this is linked to the Country field in your application form. Must be set up at the time of the application created by the implementation.