Add New Role Type
Administration > Manage Role Types
You can add an unlimited number of role types to fit the needs of your organization. However, you will find that you are not able to create a role type that gives the same access as a licensed user as this will require additional licensing to be purchased. (i.e., Global Admin).
To add a new role type, click the Add New Role Type button on the right above the Role Type listing.
The Manage Role Types screen displays, as shown below.
*Role Type – Enter a title for the role type that briefly describes the access users with this role be granted.
Three standard role types come with your site: (the access for these role types cannot be modified but you can change the name and description to better fit the needs of your organization.) These preloaded role types are as follows:
- Global Admin - Has full administrative rights within the CommunityForce application program to view, make changes, and delete items. You are only allowed to have Global Admin accounts for the number of licenses you have purchased. Therefore, when creating users, you cannot create additional Global Admin accounts unless additional licensing has been purchased.
- Reviewer - This is a committee member that will be reviewing an application in the evaluation and scoring process. The Reviewer has access to review applicants using the Review Assignments tab on their Home Dashboard. They can only view applicants that have been assigned to them in the Evaluation Assignment Process.
Applicant - Applicant profile has access to the Applicant's dashboard only.
Dept Admin - This role type provides access to all areas except Administration and is applicable for users who manage specific application processes.
Dept Reporting - This role type has view-only access to all reports except those in Administration.
- Global Reporting - This role type has view-only access to all reports including those in Administration.
- Other - The Role Type of Other is currently being used with Single Sign-On accounts by the integration team. If you do not have Single sign-On for your site, do not assign anyone the role of Other.
Important: The additional role types that are pre-loaded are suggested role types only, therefore you will want to review each role's access before using and create a meaningful definition for your organization's needs.
Role Type Description – Enter more details about the access being granted to users with this role type.
Assign Controls – Control names in bold are the main tabs in the system. You can click these to grant access to all functionality within the tab. Control names not in bold are the sub-areas of each tab. Grant access to specific areas within a tab by clicking on one or more of these controls.
Click Save to record the changes and stay on the Manage Role Type page. Click Save & Exit to record the changes and return to the Role Type listing. Click Cancel to abandon any changes made to the role type displayed and remain on the Manage Role Types page. Click Exit to abandon changes and return to the Role Type listing.