How to Release a Section to an Applicant from Section Release
Once an applicant has submitted their application form, you may need to release a specific section so the applicant can correct existing or provide additional information. Only sections you release will be editable. All other sections of the application will be read-only.
Release a Section using Section Release
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Manage Applications > Section Release
1. To quickly locate the applicant for whom you need to release a section, first, click the Filter button and select Submitted in the By Status field to narrow the list to only those applicants with a Submitted status.
2. Locate the applicant and click the blue No link in the Released column.
The Release a Section window displays.
3. Click the box provided to select a section to release.
Important Note: If you release a Request type section for which the applicant nominated another individual to complete that section, once you release the section it will remove the nomination and the applicant will need to re-request the nominee to complete the section.
4. Enter a deadline date by which the applicant must complete the section.
5. Optional - Provide a brief comment regarding the release of the section to the applicant which will be included in the body of the email in the comment field.
6. Click one of the following options to complete the process:
Click the Save button to release the section(s) selected and save any comments. This option does not send an email to the applicant.
Click the Save and Email button to release the section(s) selected and send an email to the applicant requesting them to complete the released section.
A confirmation message will display. Double-check the name of the section being release and the deadline date, then click Send Email. If you need to make changes click Cancel.
Click the Preview Email button to view the email as it will be sent to the applicant.
Click the Exit button to cancel the release and return to the Section Release report.