Overview of the Sponsoring Organizations Report
Administration > Manage Sponsoring Organization
The Sponsoring Organization report displays all organizations that have been created in your CommunityForce application.
Additional Information about the Sponsoring Organization report
- The Total number of Sponsoring Organizations displays on the left above the report.
- The report sort order can be changed by clicking the up/down arrow symbol next to the heading in the Sponsoring Organization column.
- The box in the first column can be used to select organization records to be exported to an Excel file.
- Click the box in the column header row to select all organizations in the report.
- To deselect all checked boxes click the column header row box a second time.
- Click the Export to Excel button to download a file containing selected or all sponsoring organizations. (Please see the Export Report article for more details.)
- Click the Edit (pencil) icon to make changes to a specific sponsoring organization. (Please see the Edit Existing Sponsoring Organizations article for details on how to make changes.)
- Click the Delete (trash can) icon to permanently delete a sponsoring organization - USE CAUTION. (Please see the Delete an Existing Sponsoring Organization article for more details.)
- Use the navigational tools located below the report to move through the pages or change the number of records displayed per page.