How to Activate the Manage Applicant Referrals Function in Site Settings
Administration > Manage Site Settings > Referral Settings
To activate the Manage Global Applicant Referrals functionality you must set one or more of the Referral Settings to Yes.
Referral Setting Descriptions
Enable Applicant Referrals: Select Yes to activate the Manage Applicant Referrals option in the Administration left sidebar menu. Once activated, you will be able to review all the applicants that have been referred to a specific application form as well as see who referred them. This also activates the Referral Form button on the Application Listing page so that individuals can refer applicants.
Select No to disable the Manage Global Applicant Referrals option in the Administration menu and hide the Referral Form button.
Enable Applicant Referral Approval: As soon as the applicant is approved, an email is sent to the applicant with a special link that the applicant must click on to access the application to start the application process.
Choose the selection based on when you want the approval to occur:
Yes - An Administrator must approve the referral before the applicant is notified and the email is sent. This also allows admins to approve an applicant and choose not to send the notification email.
No - As soon as the Referee saves the form, the email is automatically sent to the applicant notifying them that they can begin the application process. No approval from the Administrator is required.
Enable Agency Screen: This enables the Manage Agencies button in the Manage Global Applicant Referrals screen. The administrator can use this screen to edit agency names entered by the referee.
Yes - Activates the feature and displays the Manage Agencies button on the Manage Global Applicant Referrals screen.
No - Disables the feature and hides the button on the Manage Global Applicant Referrals screen.