Grant/Fellowship Settings - Custom Fields
Administration > Manage Site Settings > Grants/Fellowship Settings
The Grants/Fellowship Settings enable you to define up to twenty custom fields to capture additional data about your funding sources. Each field is defined by the following settings:
Custom Field Descriptions
Default Name: The default name given to the field for tracking purposes.
Show on Grant Setup: This controls whether or not this field will display in the funding source setup. To display the field, select Yes otherwise select No.
Show on Awards: The custom field can also display in the Administration>Manage Site Settings>Grants/ Fellowship Settings. To display the field, select Yes otherwise select No.
Display Name: Enter the label for this field that will display when viewing it in either the Funding Source Setup or the Manage Awards screens.
Type: Each custom field has a pre-formatted type noted in this column. Available field types are a dropdown, text box, numeric, date, and essay box.
DropDown – There are six customizable Dropdown fields. This field type allows you to create a dropdown listing of items that your administrators can select from for this specific field.
TextBox – There are six customizable TextBox fields. Two of these fields are marked with an * and are required fields that can display for administrative staff and that must be completed in the funding source setup. Administrators can enter descriptive information about a funding source. No formatting tools are available for this field type.
Numeric – There is one customizable Numeric field. This field type allows numeric values only.
Date – There are three customizable Date fields. Dates can be entered in the field using the MM/DD/YYYY format or the popup calendar can be used to select a date.
Essay Box – There are four customizable Essay box fields. This field type allows you to activate an essay box field that allows administrators to enter and format text on a funding source.
Values: This field displays when you select a field type of DropDown. Enter the valid list items for the new DropDown field as one long string using the ~ symbol between each value. Do not use spaces between the values.