Grants/Fellowship Settings - Enable Fund Contact
Administration > Manage Site Settings > Grants/Fellowship Settings
This will activate the Add Contact button in the Setup New Funding process. The feature will allow you to attach the Administrator responsible for this funding source. The contact is the key person responsible for maintaining the fund and is helpful for organizations with multiple administrators/divisions, overseeing different funds must already have a user account created in the CommunityForce system.
Click the Add A Contact button and use one or more of the fields provided to search for a contact:
Click the Search button and all contact records matching your search criteria will display. Click Add for the contact you wish to select for the new funding source.
Click Ok on the confirmation status message that displays. The new contact will display additional options, as shown below.
- Click the Add A Contact button if you need to add another contact to the funding source.
- Click the Edit (pencil) icon to make changes to the contact record (i.e., add a phone number or department name.)
- Click the Delete (trash can) icon to delete the contact from the funding source.
- Click the up or down arrow icons to change the order in which contacts are listed, when more than one contact has been assigned to the funding source. Each click of an arrow moves the contact one space, up or down.
Click the Next button to continue setting up the funding source. If you need to make changes to the main funding source setup page, click the Previous button. To abandon all changes made click the Cancel button.