When the applicant opens the application’s dashboard the Logic Model icon will appear in that dashboard.
- Step 1: To complete the Logic Model, click on the Logic Model Icon.
Note: The Logic Model does not have a completion gauge. - Step 2: Depending on what components the funder selected, you may have all or some of the sectioned columns below. (note: make sure you are in the RFP section when completing the logic model. Click on the Actions button to see which section is currently selected and grayed out. If the RFP is not grayed out, once you select it, it will be.) You will also see to the top left the current status of the Logic Model.
To build the logic model for your program you will need to complete each section that appears as follows:
Click the large + to the right of the Inputs and type the resources that will be used for the program add Inputs.
The following Inputs screen will open:
Enter each input as a separate item.
- If you have only one input to enter, enter that input in the input field, and click Save and Exit to save your information, and return to the Logic Model.
If you have multiple inputs, enter only one input in the input field at a time, and click Save and Add New to save each Input before entering the next. Once you have finished entering all your inputs click: Save and Exit, after the last input, instead of Save and Add New, to return to the Logic Model.
Once you return to the logic model, the items you entered will appear under the inputs Column:
If you want to remove an item, select the X next to the item to delete. Click on the item name in the listing to edit it.
You can adjust the order of the items by selecting the directional arrows to move the item up or down a level.
Click the large + to the right of the Activities and add the activities that are required for the program.
The following Activity screen will open:
Enter each Activity as a separate item.- If you have only one Activity to enter, enter that Activity in the Activity Area field, and click Save and Exit to save your information, and return to the Logic Model.
- If you have only one Output Component to enter, enter that Output in the Component field, and click Save and Exit to save your information, and return to the Logic Model.
If you have multiple Activities, enter only one Activity in the Activity Area field at a time, and click the Save and Add New to save each Activity before entering the next. Once you have finished entering all your Activities click: Save and Exit, after the last Activity, instead of Save and Add New, to return to the Logic Model.
Once you return to the Logic Model, the items you entered will appear under the Activities section:
If you want to remove an item, select the X next to the item to delete. Click on the item name in the listing to edit it.
Click the large + to the right of the Outputs and type the outputs to be achieved by the program.
The following Outputs screen will open: -
If you have multiple Outputs, enter only one Output in the Output field at a time, and click the Save and Add New to save each Output before entering the next. Once you have finished entering all your Outputs click: Save and Exit, after the last Output, instead of Save and Add New, to return to the Logic Model.
Once you return to the Logic Model, the items you entered will appear under the Output section:
If you want to remove an item, select the X next to the item to delete. Click on the item name in the listing to edit it.
- Step 3: Your logic model should look something like this, at this stage:
Step 4: Enter the Outcomes for your program.
Initial Outcomes
Click the large + to the right of the Initial Outcomes and enter what will occur as a direct result of the activities and outputs you have entered.
The following Initial Outcomes screen will open:
Initial Outcomes
Initial Outcomes: If your funder has defined outcomes you must select from, choose the appropriate outcomes from the dropdown box.Important: You will be entering only one outcome at a time. Complete the form for each separate outcome.
If, per your funders’ instructions, your organization may define their outcomes, select “Other” in the dropdown listing and enter that outcome in the box that is provided.
Measurement Projection and Projected for Funding Cycle
You will only be able to enter the projections for the one outcome you entered in the Initial Outcomes section above.
In the boxes provided enter the following information for this single outcome:
Number of Clients Served: Enter the Number of Clients you are projecting to serve,
Number of Clients achieving stated outcome: Enter the Number of Clients projected to achieve the outcome stated above.
Percentage of Clients Achieving stated outcome: The system will automatically calculate the indicator of success.
Measurement Tool:Measurement Tools Used: If the funder has provided a listing, select from the dropdown the tools you will use to Measure. Otherwise, you can skip this question and list the other applicable data collection methods in the box provided. Remember you are entering the tools used to measure the initial outcome you listed in the Initial Outcomes at the top of this page. Select all the tools that apply to this outcome.
Saving the Outcome, you enter:
- If you have only one Outcome to enter, enter all that Outcome’s information, and click Save and Exit to save your information, and return to the Logic Model.
- If you have multiple Outcomes, enter only one of the Outcomes at a time, completing all the sections for just that specific outcome, and click the Save and Add New to save each Outcome before entering the next. Once you have finished entering all your Outcomes click: Save and Exit, after the last Outcome, instead of Save and Add New, to return to the Logic Model.
Once you return to the Logic Model, the items you entered will appear under the Initial Outcomes section.
If you want to remove an item, select the X next to the item to delete. Click on the item name in the listing to edit it.
Repeat these steps for the Intermediate Outcomes and the Long-Term Outcomes if available.
Step 5: At this point, the Logic Model should appear like this:
- Step 6: Once you have completed the RFP section it is very important to select the Completed box by putting a check in the box, and then click the Save to save the RFP to your application form.
- Step 7: If you want to view the RFP Logic Model as a pdf document you can select the Action button and then choose the View/Print PDF to view the RFP report as a separate pdf document:
- Step 8: Close the PDF Tab and return to the Logic Model.
- Step 9: To return to your application’s dashboard, select the Application’s name in the navigation link at the top of the page: