Setting Up the Logic Model Instructions
If your organization uses a logic model to monitor the success of granted programs, you can use the Manage Logic Model to set the Inputs, Activities, Outputs, and Outcomes for the programs you fund.
Setting Up the Logic Model Instructions
- Step 1: Select from the Home Page – Create New Application
- Step 2: Select from the listing of applications the application you want to create the Logic Model on by clicking on the name in the Application Form column.
- This will bring you to the Manage Application’s Dashboard
From Home > Select Application Form Name > Click on Application Settings > Select Manage Logic Model
- Step 4: The Manage Logic Model Setup will open
- Step 5: Reporting Period: Enter the RFP start and end dates, along with mid-year and year-end reporting start and end dates.
All dates must be entered at the setup of the Logic Model. However, if you need to modify these dates you can do so after setup.
Note: You will want to make sure that the Start and End date of the RFP coincides with the actual beginning and end dates of the application. Also, if you also are using Mid-Year and Year-End Post Acceptance sections to be completed at the same time as the Logic Model reporting, it is best practice to keep the end dates of those sections the same as the Logic Model’s reporting end dates, that way the applicants aren’t confused as to what is due when.
- Step 6: Logic Model Reporting Components: Based on your process, choose the component pieces of the logic model that you want your applicants to complete as part of their RFP – by checking the appropriate boxes. (each box will create a column in the logic model reporting)
- Step 7: Logic Model Measurement Tools: If your process defines specific measurement tools to be used by the applicants, enter them at this stage. This will provide a dropdown listing for the applicant to choose from.
- If you don’t provide measurement tools, the applicant will still be able to enter their own when completing the application form.
To add a Measurement Tool, enter the tool in the field and click ADD to save it. Repeat this for each measurement.
After you have completed adding all the Measurement make sure there is a blank line available and that all the Measurements have been saved.
You can click on the Red “X” to delete a measurement Tool or click Edit after you have entered a measurement tool to edit it. When editing is sure to click on the Update to save the edit. Click Cancel to cancel the edit.
- Step 8: Logic Model Outcome: If your process defines specific Outcomes for your applicants, enter them at this stage. This will provide a dropdown listing for the applicant to choose from.
- If you don’t provide Outcomes, the applicant will still be able to enter their own when completing the application form.
To add an Outcome, enter the outcome in the field and click ADD to save it. Repeat this for each measurement.
After you have completed adding all the Measurement make sure there is a blank line available and that all the Measurements have been saved.
You can click on the Red “X” to delete a measurement Tool or click Edit after you have entered a measurement tool to edit it. When editing is sure to click on the Update to save the edit. Click Cancel to cancel the edit.
- Step 9: Once you have completed entering all the setup data for your Logic Model, click Save or Save and Exit to save the Logic Model information.
- Step 10: You must click the Published box at the top of the setup page to publish the logic model so that it appears in the applicant’s dashboard as part of the application form.