If the Manage Referral functionality has been activated by the Global Administrator in Site Settings, then when the referee accesses your site they will see in the Applications listing the Referral Form Button that will give them access to all the Application forms that are currently active on your site.
Important Note: Depending on the process set by the Site Administrator an email may be sent to the applicant upon saving of the Referral Form. This is done either automatically, or with the assistance and approval of the site administrator. Therefore, before referring an applicant, it is good practice to know when in the process the email is sent. Please contact your Site Administrator for this information, so that the anticipated action is taken, and the applicant is notified in the manner that you are expecting.
When referring applicants that do not currently have a login account, an account will be created for them based on the email data you enter in the referral form. If they already have a user account, then that data will be matched based on the email address you enter.
Step 1: There are two ways the referee can access the Referral Form Button:
If you are on the Application Listing page and you click the Referral Form button from this page, it will open the referral form.
The Funding Title will show as “Select” and you will have to select from the listing the correct Funding Title you wish to refer the applicant to:
If you are on the Application Listing page, and then select the Name of the Funding Title:
When the detailed description page for that funding source opens, the Referral Form button is also present on that page.
When you click the Referral Form button from this page and open the referral form, the Funding Title will automatically show the name of the funding you clicked in from.
If you are on the Application Listing page and you click the Referral Form button from this page, it will open the referral form.
- Step 2: After you have accessed the Referral Form page and confirmed you have the correct Funding Title, you can complete the Applicant Information section of the form by entering the applicant you wish to refer to the application form. All the items with an * asterisks must be completed.
When referring applicants that do not currently have a login account, an account will be created for them based on the email data you enter in the referral form. If they already have a user account, then that data will be matched based on the email address you enter. If a match is not found a new login account will be created. - Step 3: Complete the bottom section, School / Agency Information with your information regarding who is doing the referral. All the items with an * asterisks must be completed.
- Step 4: Once you have completed both the sections of the form you will need to select Save to save the referral. If you click Cancel it will cancel the referral and it will not be available.
If automatic approval has been set on the site to approve at the time of the referral, the email will be sent to the applicant as soon as you save the referral. If automatic approval is not set on the site, and the Site Administrator must approve the referral for you, once you click Save, you will want to contact the Site administrator to notify them that you have entered a referral for their approval, and then they will go in and approve the applicant to apply to the application. - Step 5: Once you click Save you will then receive a System Alert confirmation notifying you that the details have been saved. Click Ok.
- Step 6: Once you have clicked Ok, you will still be on the Referral Page and the Applicant Information will be empty. You can then enter another referral or click Cancel to return to the Fund listing page.