Create the Prequalification Denial Message
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Prequalification Questions
This is the message that displays for the applicants who don’t meet the requirements set in the Prequalification Questions.
Open an application form on the Home page and click the Application Settings tab. Next, select the Prequalification Questions option in the left sidebar menu.
In the editor box, enter the message that will display to applicants that are denied access to apply.
Design Mode: The HTML editor works exactly the same way as Microsoft Word. Type the information into the body of the editor as you would type and format in a Microsoft Word document. You can also copy and paste the formatted text from other documents.
HTML Text: You can create the message page using HTML tags by clicking on the HTML text tab. Enter the HTML tags with the content and it will display all the content as formatted.
Click Save to record your changes and return to the Applications Settings screen.