Edit the Prequalification Settings
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Prequalification Questions
You can edit the text of an existing prequalification question or the prequalification denial message at any time. However, it is not advisable to change the Proceed Combination, add an additional question, or delete an existing question after you have gone live with your application form and applicants have begun applying.
Open an application form on the Home page and click the Application Settings tab. Next, select the Prequalification Questions option in the left sidebar menu.
To edit a prequalification question, select the Edit icon next to the question.
This will open the question editor box where you can make changes to the question as needed.
Design Mode: The HTML editor works exactly the same way as Microsoft Word. Type the information into the body of the editor as you would type and format in a Microsoft Word document. You can also copy and paste the formatted text from other documents.
HTML Text: You can create the message page using HTML tags by clicking on the HTML text tab. Enter the HTML tags with the content and it will display all the content as formatted.
Once you have completed editing, be sure to click Save & Exit to save your changes.