When Do You Set Fund Criteria Information?
Fund criteria settings restrict the eligible recipients to only those applicants that meet the conditions set in the Manage Funds Criteria section. The criteria condition reports match applicants to each fund based on how they answer the defined eligibility criteria question(s).
This is useful in the following cases:
1) You want applicants to see a listing of all the funds they have matched based on the Matching Fund Eligibility question. They can then deselect any funds to which they do not want to apply.
2) You would like to be able to set logic on other questions and sections using the selected funds in the Matching Fund Eligibility questions. You can set logic on other additional questions or sections in the application that are answered if a specific fund is selected. Those questions/sections would only display if the fund was matched to the applicant.
3) You have multiple funding source funds connected to just one application and you review on a per fund basis and need to know all applicants eligible for a specific funding source fund when assigning them to the reviewers.
4) You have multiple funding source funds connected to just one application, and you need to be able to see a listing of all eligible applicants for a specific funding source when awarding funds.
5) You have multiple funding sources and each funding source has its own application. However, there could be funding sources that are similar that the applicant could apply to based on the same criteria as another funding source. You need the applicant to be able to be matched to those additional applications based on the criteria that were previously matched in each and be able to select if they want to apply to those additional applications.
Where Do You Set Fund Criteria Information?
Before you can set fund criteria, you must designate the questions that can be used to set fund criteria.
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Sections and Questions > Section Name > Question
Navigate to the questions within each section you need to use as fund criteria. Click Yes for the Use In Fund Criteria setting.
The Criteria Fund field will display. Open the list and select all funds for which this question can be used to set criteria. Click Ok on the field and then click Save or Save & Exit to record the changes on the question. Do this for each question in each section that should be available to use when setting fund criteria.
Please see the How to Set Fund Criteria Information for an Application article for more details.