How to Set Up the Managing Funds Criteria Information:
Before setting the criteria in the Manage Funds criteria you will need to first associate those fund(s) to the application, in the Manage Application Funds. Once they have been linked to the application you can set the criteria for only the fund(s) linked to that application.
Exercise 1
Step 1: Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Manage Fund Criteria information
Step 2 Select the Manage Funds Criteria Information menu option
Step 3: The Manage Eligibility Criteria listing will open, listing all the funds that were linked to this application in the Assign Application Funds.
Step 4: Locate your fund and click the Set Criteria under the Eligibility Criteria column located in the same row as your fund.
Step 5: The criteria conditions screen will appear for that fund where you will set each conditioning filter for each question making which determines the applicants eligible for that fund.
Step 6: To add a criteria Condition click the Add New Condition button.
Step 7: The condition selection will appear. You will be selecting the questions and the values that allow eligibility.
Step 8: Try creating a condition on a fund using the following guidelines.
A. Report Item – Select the area of the application process where the item is located:
Application Data – allows you to pull on the following items:
- Status
- Status Details
- Status Details Comments
- Previous Status
- Is Archived
- Date Time Submitted
- Section Data: This will allow you to select the sections in your application and the questions in that section. Select the section that contains the question.
- Score Card Information: allows you to pull all values from the question fields within the Evaluation Tasks that you set up as a part of your review process.
Application Data – allows you to pull on the following items:
B. Section Name: Select the section in your application that has the criteria question
C. Field Name: Select the actual criteria question
D. Filter: what is the filter condition of the answer/value that has to be met for the applicant to be eligible.
- Contains– the answer/value contains this value
- Starts With - the answer/value starts with this value
- Does Not Contain - the answer/value does not contain this value
- Is Not Empty - the answer/value is not empty (applicant has answered this question
- Is Empty - the answer/value field is empty (applicant has not answered this question)
- Is Exactly – the answer/value must exactly match the value.
- Is Less Than - the answer/value is numeric and is less than the value amount
- Is Equal To - the answer/value is numeric and is equal to the value amount
- Is Greater Than - the answer/value is greater than the value amount
- Is Not Equal To - the answer/value is numeric and is not equal to the amount.
E. Filter Value: What is the answer/value the applicant must answer to meet the eligibility? Enter the value. (The value must be entered exactly as it is in the question setup)
F. Group: This column groups your conditions into sets of conditions. You may have several groups of conditions where the first group is executed and then the second group is executed etc. Assign each of the conditions in a group the same number. The first group is 1, the second group is 2, etc.
G. Blank/And/Or operator: Used when entering multiple lines of condition values. Once you enter your first line you will click on them and/or box or leave it blank if you don’t have any additional conditions to set.
- And means all of the conditions in the listing need to be met for the applicant to be eligible.
- Or means either of the conditions needs to be met.
This applies to the row that and/or is on, and the next condition row following. If you have groups of conditions, it applies to each line in the group and then on the last line of the group, how it relates to the next group of condition values. On the last line in the group leave this box blank.
Example 1:
Your fund is only eligible for applicants that are Females living in Virginia. Therefore, applicants would have to answer “Female” for the Gender Question, and “Virginia” for the state question.
Filter Type: Basic
This is the Basic setup wherein you will need to enter the criteria and specify the logical operator in the tabular format. Best used for more basic criteria where you do not have sub-groups within groups of logic.
Filter Type: Advanced
The Advanced filter type will display an additional window below the condition settings which populates with the logic code represented by your condition settings, as shown below.
In this filter type, you can set the logic as code that gets executed in sequence (as defined) at runtime when the values are evaluated. This allows for more complex grouping and sub-grouping of values within your criteria logic.
All these conditions are clubbed in the code as (1 or 2) and (3 or 4) and (5 or 6) and 7 which then executes at the run time evaluating the conditions in the order specified.
Example 2:
An applicant will be eligible for a particular scholarship only if:
- GPA is 4 or 5 specified by the logical operator OR.
- Major is Music or Education specified by logical operator OR.
- School attended is Summit or Peaks specified by logical operator OR.
- State is NYC specified.
- Each group of conditions is separated by the operator AND which specifies that each condition has to be TRUE for the applicant to be eligible for this fund.
- Filter Type: Basic
This is the Basic setup wherein you will need to enter the criteria and specify the logical operator in the tabular format - Filter Type: Advance
The Advanced filter type will display an additional window below the condition settings which populates with the logic code represented by your condition settings, as shown below.
In this filter type, you can set the logic as code that gets executed in sequence (as defined) at runtime when the values are evaluated.
All these conditions are clubbed in the code as (1 or 2) and (3 or 4) and (5 or 6) and 7 which then executes at the run time evaluating the conditions in the order specified. -
Step 9: Once you have created all the filters for that fund, click on Save and Exit. To save the filter and return to the Manage Fund Criteria listing.
- Step 10: Notice that once you set the criteria the “Set Criteria” will change to “View Eligibility Criteria” under the Eligibility Criteria column. You can click on the View Eligibility Criteria to go back in and make any changes to the conditions that you may have set.
Step 11: Once applicants start applying you can go to the Manage Eligibility Criteria and view the applicants that have matched by clicking on the Scholarship Name.