Add the Annual Awarding Budget/Academic Year and Award Amount
Home > Manage Application Funds > Setup Funding
The Annual Budget/Academic Year field is required when setting up a new funding source and is used to determine the amount available to allocate for that period when awarding your applicants.
Enter the total annual amount for the funding source in the field provided. Click the dropdown field to the right of the budget field to select the academic year for this award period. (If you have associated an application to the funding source, this will automatically populate with the same academic year as the application form.)
Once you save the funding source a green clock icon will display to the right of the field when you open the funding source to make changes.
Click this icon to add the annual budget for future academic years. Select the award period from the Academic Year dropdown list and then enter the annual amount in the Total Amount Allocated field. Click the plus sign next to the new record to save it.