Manage Application Funds Report Overview
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Manage Application Funds allows you to manage all the funding sources that will be used to award your applicants in the application process.
This listing includes the name of the Funding source, any Application directly linked to that funding source, the Sponsoring Organization that maintains the funding source, and if that funding source has been Published.
Additional notes about the Funding Report
- The total number of Funding Sources display on the left above of the report.
- Click the Search button to display four fields you can use to search for specific funding sources. Please see Using the Search Button article for more details.
- Click the Active/Archive toggle to view either the listing of the Active Funding Sources or the Archive Funding Sources.
- Click the box in the first column to select one or more funding sources on which the Publish, Unpublish, Archive, or Export to Excel actions will be performed.
- Click the Publish button to make selected funding sources visible to applicants. Click Ok to confirm the action. Please see Publish/Unpublish a Funding Source article for more details.
- Click the Unpublish button to hide selected funding sources from applicants. Click Ok to confirm the action. Please see Publish/Unpublish a Funding Source article for more details.
- Click the Setup Funding button to create a new funding sources. Please see the Setup a New Funding Source article for more details.
- Click the Archive button to categorize selected funding sources as archived. Please see Using the Search Button article for more details.
- Click the Export to Excel button to download a file containing selected or all funding sources. Please see the Export Reports to Excel article for more details.