Setup a New Funding Source
Home > Manage Application Funds
To create a new funding source, click the Setup Funding button on the Funding Report.
You will need the following information to set up a new funding source. Click the link provided below to view an article with more details about the required information.
Budget and Award amounts (Add the Annual Awarding Budget/Academic Year and Award Amount)
Email Signature details ( Add a Detailed Email Signature Information to a Funding Source)
Brief and long descriptions of the funding source (Add Descriptions to your Funding Source)
Eligibility requirements (Add Eligibility Requirements for your Funding Source)
Documentation required in order to apply for the funding source (Add Documentation Requirements for your Funding Source)
Links to websites providing additional relevant information that helps applicants learn more about the funding source
Staff contact details (Add Staff Contacts)
Donor details (Add Donor Information)
Search filter information (Add Search Filters to Funding Source)
This article contains descriptions of the following fields on the Setup Funding screen: Funding Name, Associated Application, Sponsoring Organization, General Ledger Account, Published (Viewable to the Applicant), Allow Non-CFTS applicants, Allow CFTS Applicants, Show Fund on Fund Details. All other fields are explained in separate articles and links to those articles can be found in this article.
Field Descriptions
*Funding Name: Enter the name of the funding source. If this is the posting fund, use the name of the application cycle and the year (i.e., 2020 Scholarship Application.) Otherwise use the actual name of the funding source that is familiar to those in your organization and the applicants applying.
Associated Application:
If each funding source has its own application, select the application for that single funding source.
If this is the posting fund for a one-to-many process, select the application that is used to apply to all the funds in that application process.
If this is the awarding fund that is part of a one-to-many application process, and you are using one application to apply to all the separate funds, when you create those individual funds, leave this blank on each one.
Sponsoring Organization: Select the organization(s) responsible for maintaining the Funding Source fund. The dropdown allows you to select as many organizations as are applicable.
*Annual Budget/Academic Year: Enter the total amount to be awarded from this funding source for the current academic year and select the academic year for this award period. (If you have associated an application to the funding source, this will automatically populate with the same academic year as the application form.) Please see the Add Annual Awarding Budget/Academic Year and Award Amount article for details on maintaining this field.
General Ledger Account: This is an optional field you can use to record the General Ledger Account number that is used by your accounting program to track the funding for this fund.
Award Amount: This is an optional text field that allows you to designate how the funding will be awarded, i.e., 10 awards @$1,000 each. Please see the Add Annual Awarding Budget/Academic Year and Award Amount article for details on maintaining this field.
Published (Viewable to the Applicant): Click Yes to make this funding source visible to applicants. Click No to hide the funding source from applicants. If you need to change the publish status of a funding source, please see the (Publish/Unpublish a Funding Source) article for more details.
Allow Non-CFTS applicants: Click Yes to allow applicants that are members of your organization to apply for this specific Funding Source. Click No if only Non-members can apply to this funding source.
Allow CFTS Applicants: Click Yes to allow applicants that are members of your organization to apply for this specific Funding Source. Click No if only non-members can apply to this funding source.
Show Fund On Fund Details: Click Yes to display the fund name on the Fund Details page, viewable by applicants when searching for applications. Click No to hide the fund name on the Fund Details page.