Section Release can be accessed in by going to:
1)Evaluations>Applicant Status report a.Select the Yes/No under the Released column for the applicant you want to release the section for. A screen will open, showing all the sections in the application that can be released back to the applicant or section can be re-opened for a recommender to access, or for the student to resend the request.
2. Place a check in the box next to the section you wish to release back to the student.
Note: Only sections you release will be editable. All other sections the applicant filled out originally will be in a read only mode. Once you select the section a Deadline Date field will appear to the right of the section.
3. Enter a new deadline date for the applicant or recommender to complete the section by. The applicant will have until that date to change the information. Confirm the Date Email Sent: this is the date the email will be sent to the applicant only (NOT THE Recommender) notifying them that the section was release back and that more information is required to be completed. (The email template that is sent to the applicant is the email template in your Notification Center - Application: Additional Information Requested. Please be sure to update this email template prior to releasing any sections back to your applicants.)
4. Enter a brief comment to the applicant to be included in the body of the email (Comment Field) explaining why they are receiving this email.
5. Save and Email: saves the information and sends the email to the applicant notifying them to complete the released section.Save: (only use if you do not want to send an email) this will release the section(s) to the applicant and will save the information with comments, but will not email the applicant. Exit:cancels the release and returns you to the Section Release report.