Overview of Ad Hoc Reports
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Manage Reports > Ad Hoc Reports
Ad Hoc Reports provide the ability to create custom reports based on specific data and filters you define. You can create an unlimited number of ad hoc reports.
Overview of the main features available on this screen
- Re-Create Reporting Data base: Refreshes the data used to generate ad hoc reports. The date the reporting database was last updated displays above the report. The Recreate Reporting database option will be made visible/available on the screen only if any change has been made in the selected application
- Sync Applicant Data: Updates the Applicant’s application data in the reporting database for the selected application.
- Sync Review Data: Updates the Review data in the reporting database for the selected application
- Create New Report: Click the button to build a custom ad hoc report. Please see the Create a Custom Ad Hoc Report article for more details.
- Export to Excel: Click the button to download a file containing selected or all status details. Please see the Export Reports to Excel article for more details.
- Sorting: The report sort order can be changed by clicking the up/down arrow symbol next to the heading in any column.
- Edit: Click the (pencil) icon to make changes to a specific system message. Please see the Edit an Ad Hoc Report article for details on how to make changes.
- Delete: Click the (trash can) icon to delete an existing ad hoc report. Please see the Delete an Ad Hoc Report article for more details.
- Delete: Click the Copy icon to create a new ad hoc report by making a copy of an existing report. Please see the Copy an Existing Ad Hoc Report article for more details.
- View: Click the View (eye) icon to view the report. Please see the View an Ad Hoc Report for more details.