Overview of the Automated Scoring Report
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Manage Reports > Automated Scoring Report
Automated Scoring is a feature that allows you to create scoring based on replies to specific questions. You would need to assign a score to a question and based on the answer given by the applicant, the system automatically computes the score and assigns them back to the applicant.
The applicant’s automated score is a combined total of all the scores set in the automated scoring section that they have met the criteria for and not an average. The automated score will show as a separate score and is not calculated into the Total Score that you see when reviewing and awarding your applicants.
The Automated Scoring Report allows you to view the results for the scores based on automated scoring set on questions within the application using the Manage Automated Scoring setup feature.
There are two main screens used in Automated Scoring
- Manage Automated Scoring – To set up the scores.
- Automated Scoring Report – To review all the applicants and see their automated scoring scores.
From the Home > Select Application Form Name > Select Manage Reports > Select Automated Scoring Report.