Assign Funding to a Specific Role Type
Administration > Assign Funding to Role Types
Select a Role Type: Select the role type to which you need to assign funding sources.
Select a Funding Source: This is an optional field that will only display if you have activated Custom Field 4 in Site Settings>Grants/Fellowship Settings by selecting Yes for the Show on Grant Setup setting. You can use this to filter the funding sources listed in the Un-Assigned Funding(s) list. If you do not want to use this filter leave it as Select.
Un-Assigned Funding(s): The funding sources listed have not been assigned to a role type and are currently available. Click on a funding source to select it. You can select multiple funding sources, if applicable.
Click the right-facing arrow to assign the funding source(s) to the selected role type.
Click Save to complete the assignment.
Assigned Funds: The funding sources listed have been assigned to the role type selected.