Viewing the Associated Application History for a Funding Source
You can use the history icon to view the associated application history of that specific funding source.
- Step 1:Select the History Icon for the specific funding source you wish to view:
- Step 2:This will open the Funding Sources History
The History will show the Academic Year, the Application(s) used to apply for funding for that academic period, how many applications were received, the date the application was assigned, and the application assignment relationship.
Assigned: The application was not directly associated with the fund in the fund set up; however, the fund was assigned as a fund to be awarded during that fiscal period through the Manage Application Fund setup for that application.
Posting: The application form was directly associated with the funding source. (In a one-to-one application process the posting fund would also be the same fund that was used to award. In a one-to-many application process where you have one application and multiple funds funding the awarding, the posting relationship is the fund that had the application directly associated to it, but not necessarily used to award the applicants.)