How to Setup the Manage Donor Thank You Letters Feature
Depending on how many funding sources you have linked to your application form, you can create multiple Thank You Letter questions. Therefore, if you have a one-to-many common application process and have multiple funds you are awarding from that one application process, you can create separate Thank You Letter Questions for each fund.
Before creating the Thank You letter question(s) it is important to determine where in your process you want the Thank You letters to be completed by your applicant.
For example, if you have an Acceptance section where the applicants must first accept the award, do you want the Thank You letter to appear after they accept the award, in that same section, or in a separate section created to capture just the Thank You Letters.
If putting this in a separate section what will be the current status (i.e., Selected for Award, Award Accepted, etc.) of the applicant when you need this section to appear and what type of section is this going to be contained in.
- Some clients include it as part of the initial acceptance in an Acceptance section and once the applicant accepts the award via an acceptance question, then the Thank You Letter question for that award appears, or
- Some wish to create a separate Post Acceptance section that appears after the applicant accepts the award in the Acceptance Section and has pushed the Accept Award button. Then a separate Post Acceptance section appears and that contains the Thank You letter question(s) based on the awards the applicant has accepted.
Very Important Note: The section that has the Thank You Letter(s) added to it must have the “Submit” button added in the section set up so that you can monitor the completion of the Thank You Letter on that section. If you do not have the “Submit” button present in that section, when the applicant completes the section, it will not update the Manage Donor Thank You Letter report with the thank you letter. That report is only updated based on the applicant clicking the “Submit” button when they complete the section.
Once you have determined where you want the question(s) to appear in your application process, follow the following steps to create your Thank You Letter Question(s):
- Step 1: Go the build of the application form located under Create New Applications
- Step 2: Open the Sections and Questions and locate the section you want to build the question in or create a new section if you don’t already have one present.
- Step 3: Once you are at the Sections Listing, select that section’s name to open it to the Question setup page for that section.
- Step 4: Once you are on the question’s listing for that section. Click the Add Question button to create a question and create the Thank You Letter question by using the Thank You letter question type to build that specific question.
- Step 5: When creating the question select the question Type: Thank You Letter.
- Step 6: The field will appear “Selected Funding Sources” where you will see the listing of the available fund(s) linked to that application form based on the Fund Setup or if having multiple funds available to award, the funds linked in the Manage Funds Criteria created for that specific application form. Select the fund that belongs to this Thank You letter.
- Step 7: Once you have created your question, select Save or Save and Exit to save the question in your section.
- Important: When the Thank You Letter question is created, it will appear to all applicants that are eligible for the award, not awarded, therefore, once you have created the Thank You Letter question, be sure to set any necessary conditional logic for the question to appear or hide based on the awarding giving to that applicant.
If only having one funding source, you can set this by only having applicants that are at a status of Selected for Award or Award Accept have access to the Section that contains the question.