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Are there any date format changes that could affect our CRM integration?
Captcha - if signup requires Captcha, will this affect account creation via Single Sign On?
If new application deadline options are used (i.e. 30 days from date of application) could there be inconsistencies with the dates on the website?
The new function to transfer ownership of an application to another user, could this affect my single sign on users or integration?
What types of external systems can CommunityForce integrate with?
To setup the Blackbaud Integration with FE, RE and GE do I need assistance from CommunityForce?
In site settings what does Active Directory LDAP Settings mean?
Can I set up the Active Directory LDAP Settings on my own or do I need assistance from CommunityForce to do this?
What is the purpose of Non-Eligible Student Funds Message?
How would I know to use the Non-Eligible Student Funds Message?
What is the purpose of external system authentication settings?
What types of Single Sign On methods does CommunityForce allow?
What are the attributes allowed for: CAS, ADFS, and SAML2?
What are the attributes allowed for: SHA256?
What typed of integration does CommunityForce support?
Does integration with financial system feed both ways?
Does CommunityForce integrate with GuideStar?
Does CommunityForce integrate with Salesforce?
Will client data be handled, accessed, copied, viewed, transferred, stored (etc.) by Supplier or by a subcontracted party of the Supplier?
Are all passwords encrypted at rest and during transmission?