As an Applicant, I need to know how to...
- I have assigned a section, how do I know if the collaborator has completed it.
- Can I add multiple collaborators to a section?
- My collaborator does not have an email, what do I do?
- I searched for my collaborator and he/she is not in the system.
- How do I add a collaborator?
- I answered the Question's correctly in the pre-qualification, but it is giving me a denied message?
As a Reviewer, I need to know how to...
- Can I pull or create a report with all my scores for each assignment?
- My percentage complete is not 100% in my dashboard.
- My percentage complete is not calculating.
- Application is missing sections, questions, and/or attached document.
- A question is missing from my scorecard.
- How do I print my scores?
As a Proxy, I need to know how to…
- I did not receive my credentials to log in?
- I do not know what my password is?
- I have forgotten my password, how do I retrieve it?
- I entered my user id and password, but received an error message "invalid user id/password", what does that mean?
- I do not know what my user id is?
- How do I change my user id?
As a Collaborator, I need to know how to…
- I did not receive my credentials to log in?
- I do not know what my password is?
- I have forgotten my password, how do I retrieve it?
- I entered my user id and password, but received an error message "invalid user id/password", what does that mean?
- I do not know what my user id is?
- How do I change my user id?
With Integration, I need to know how to…
- Are there any date format changes that could affect our CRM integration?
- Captcha - if signup requires Captcha, will this affect account creation via Single Sign On?
- If new application deadline options are used (i.e. 30 days from date of application) could there be inconsistencies with the dates on the website?
- The new function to transfer ownership of an application to another user, could this affect my single sign on users or integration?
- What types of external systems can CommunityForce integrate with?
- To setup the Blackbaud Integration with FE, RE and GE do I need assistance from CommunityForce?