- Why would I need to manage my agency profile?
- I cannot access the agency profile/manage members section, why is that?
- How do I manage agency applicant profile question mapping?
- How do I access the mapping feature in agency profile/manage members?
- What does “Active” in the mapping feature?
- What is “Display Name” in the mapping feature?
- What is application Question XML name in the mapping feature?
- How do I select the Application Question XML name?
- I am unable to save and exit after making changes to the question mapping, what do I do?
- I am unable to save and exit after making changes to the question mapping, what do I do?
- Why do I need to create an applicant profile?
- How do I create applicant profiles?
- How can an applicant edit their profile?
- Manage Agency Profile - What is the purpose of the Agency Profile?
- What is manage agency profile? Why would I use this in scholarships?