- Where can I find the Logic Model Settings?
- I setup the Logic Model but it is not viewable to my applicants.
- In my process I use Quarterly Reports, the Logic Model only has viewable Mid Year and Yearly Reports, can I change that?
- Can I hide any of the Logic Model Reporting Components?
- How do I publish the Logic Model?
- How do I add Measurement Tools?
- How do I add Outcomes?
- Can I change the Midyear and Final Report questions that are asked in the system?
- Can I add additional funding years to the Logic Model?
- How does an applicant edit the Logic Model after the reporting period is over?
- Can I change the print layout of the Logic Model?
- The Logic Model percentage completion is missing from the Applicant Dashboard, why?
- Can I add a Collaborator to the Logic Model?
- Is there a way for each grantee to fill out more than one logic model on the application?
- I want to turn on the Mid Year and Final Year Reports for the applicants to enter data, where do I do that?
- Can my applicants update the Logic Model with new data that has changed since the original RFP? What happens to the original data?
- Is it possible to customize the Logic Model to include additional funding years?
- Can we add another Logic Model to the dashboard of a same application process?
- When my applicants login to the Midyear or Final Year Reporting of the Logic Model, they do not have a save and exit button.
- I have built a Logic Model as a section instead of using the Logic Model in the system. How do I run a report on the data?
- How do we make sure the Logic Model is active in our application process?
- I am getting invalid date message or that the year end start date is greater than the year end date in the setup of the logic model, what is the issue?
- Where can I add instructions on how to fill out the Logic Model?
- Is there a place I can upload a Sample Logic Model for applicants to use as a reference tool?
- Can I create an Adhoc Report on the Logic Model data?
- Can we customize the Logic Model to not show the Midyear and Year End report fields when we have yet to obtain that data? It is confusing to the reviewers.