- Step 1: To open the Applicant’s Score Sheet for a specific Task. While in the Review Applicants listing, click on the Applicant Name listed in the task that is highlighted in blue.
- Step 2: Depending on which view option your agency has chosen for their reviewers, one of the following screens will appear for the applicant:
Application Summary and the Score Sheet all on one page:
This screen will show the applicant’s application form to the right, and the listing of the task’s questions to complete on the left.
If you want to expand the left question pane you can do so by clicking on the scroll bar where the red arrow is pointing. This will cause a small arrow to appear. Once the arrow appears, click and hold your left mouse button and then slide right to expand or shrink.
You can answer the required questions, upload the file (if available), and also delete the existing file if you want to replace it. The Delete button will appear next to the file type question once you save the scores.
Only the score sheet is displayed:
This will show only the question in the tasks and will not show the application form, you will have to click on the “View Application” to open the application form in another tab in your browser.
- Step 3: When viewing the application using either the “View Application” or in the display view, you can view any attachments that may be available by locating the actual question in the application form and clicking on the highlighted document;
Or you can scroll to the bottom of that application form and locate the Attached Documents section showing all the attachments and click on the attachment there.
- Step 4: If you want to print a PDF copy of the applicant’s application combined with all the attached documents you can click on PDF option available. This will download a PDF document that you can open on your local computer. This PDF will contain the application form and all the attached documents in one complete PDF document.
- Note: if you are logged in with an admin account the PDF will show as Admin PDF. However, if your account is assigned as a Reviewer account only it will show as Reviewer PDF)
You can also get a print out of the application form in the grid view that you are seeing the application form online by clicking on the printer Icon at the top of the application View page.
- Step 5: Answer each question accordingly. All questions with and * must be completed, and count towards the 100% complete that is viewable on the Review Applicants page. If you do not see the applicant as 100% complete in the Review Applicants listing, then a question was missed, and you will need to reopen the score sheet task to complete it.
Important Note: Clicking the Reset Form will allow you to clear the answers you have completed. However, if the Auto Save feature is activated this will only clear the answers that were completed prior to the document being saved from the last Auto Save. Any questions that were saved in the Auto Save will not be cleared.
- Step 6: Once you have completed answering all the available questions or scores, you will need to save your replies using one of the Save options. Your score total at the top of the page, will not show until the questions have been saved. (if using the submit feature, you must first save before you can submit see: Submitting Your Applicants Scores for more information on how to submit your final reviews)
Save: Allows you to save what you have completed without exiting the page. (If the Submit function has been activated you cannot Submit your replies until you have first saved your replies)
Save & Exit: You can click the Save & Exit to save your replies and then return to the listing of applicants and select the next applicant in the listing to review.
Save & Next If you are reviewing multiple applicants, you can click the Save and Next to automatically be directed to the Next applicant in the task for review.
- Step 7: Once you return to the Review Applicants page, it will show the percentage complete for that applicant. If it does not show 100% complete, then you will need to return to that applicant’s task and complete any missed questions.
- Step 8: To navigate back to the Tasks listing click on the Task name or the Review Applicants listed in the bread crumb navigation at the top of the page. Do not use the back button to navigate, using the back button will cause you to be kicked out of the site.