Global Search for Applicants
All screens within your CommunityForce site include the option to search globally for applicants. This search feature will allow you to do a search across all your application forms to find a specific applicant.
Locate the Search Applicants in the header bar.
Type the applicant's first name, last name, or a portion of either name and press Enter or click the Search (magnifying) icon. A list of applicants matching the search criteria will display.
In the example below, we searched for applicants with "John" in their name and the results include applicants with John as part of the first or last name.
Click the applicant name (blue link) to view details about the applicant's current applications.
Click the eye in the View Application column to view a printable version of the application form.
Click the boxed item in the Applicant Dashboard column to be directed to the applicant's dashboard for the selected application.