Edit the Application Dashboard Instructions
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > General Information
These instructions are displayed on the Applicant's application dashboard once he/she enters the application to begin completing the various sections.
To edit the instructions, select an application, click the Application Settings tab, and then open the General Information option in the left sidebar menu. Scroll down to the Instructions text editor and make changes as needed in Design Mode or using HTML text.
- Design Mode: The editor works exactly the same way as Microsoft Word. You can also copy and paste the formatted text from other documents.
- HTML text: You can create this page using HTML tags by clicking on the HTML text tab. Enter the HTML tags with the content and it will display all the content as formatted.
Click the Save or Save & Exit button to record your changes.
Example of an Instruction message for the applicant dashboard:
Thank you for your interest in the Scholarship Application opportunity and welcome to your dashboard.
Important Instructions:
- When you see a blue information icon just hover over it to view the tip.
- Click on any section and fill in the answers to questions, as they are presented on the page.
- Each section below must read 100% in order to submit your application. If a section does not read 100%, there are unanswered required question(s) in that section.
- When you are ready to submit, click the Final Review and Submit button to verify your attachments have uploaded correctly and the application contains all necessary information.
Note: The file size for each document uploaded should not exceed 10MB/upload. The time given is in Eastern Time Zone (EST).