How to Hide the Applicant's Name from Reviewers
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > General Information
The Show Applicant to Committee field on the General Information setup screen allows you to perform a blind process review or to display the applicant’s identifying information on the evaluation committee reviewer’s dashboards when reviewing their applications. To hide the applicant's name from reviewers, select No for this setting and committee reviewers will not be able to see the names of the applicants they are reviewing in their review dashboard or any application PDFs created specifically for Reviewers.
Once a reviewer logs in to review applicants, instead of the applicant's full name, they will only see a number App-ID column.
Note: This does not hide applicant name information on a question field if you’ve created a question asking for this information. It only removes the name from the report listing and in the application preview header. If you want to hide names from a question, you will need to edit the question and click Yes for the Hide the from Reviewer setting.