Manage Awards Awarding – Scholarship/Grant Specific Orientation Setting
- Step 1: Once you click on Manage Awards – Multiple Funds the following screen is displayed showing all the linked funding sources that have been assigned to this application form.
- From the Home page > Select Application Form Name > Awards > Manage Awards – Multiple Funds
Search By: if you have a long listing or funding names you can use the search by at the top of the report to locate a specific funding name. Enter the full name or just part of the name and click the Search button to locate that funding source.
Export to Excel: This allows you to export this report to Excel and open it on your local computer.
Funding Name: Displays the name that the funding name is connected to this application form.
Total Amount Allocated – The amount available to an award from that funding name. This is the amount that was entered in the Setup Funding – Annual Budget field for the current academic year.
Total Amount Awarded – The total that has been awarded so far from this funding name.
Amount Unallocated – The total amount that is still available to award for that funding name.
Total No. of Applicants Awarded – The number of applicants has been awarded from this funding name.
No. of Applicants Awarded in this Application – Total number of applicants that have been awarded to the funding name that applied to this application form.
No. of Matching Applicants – The number of applicants matched to this funding name as being eligible for this funding based on eligibility set on the Setup Application Forms > Manage Funds Criteria Information. If you did not set eligibility criteria for a specific linked fund then all the applicants will appear that applied to the application form.
Note: If you do not see a funding source listed you will need to go back to your application form setup and link that funding source to the application using the Setup Application Forms > Manage Application Funds and set up the matching criteria (if applicable) in the Setup Application Forms > Manage Funds Criteria Information to only have applicants that meet certain fund criteria appear. If there are no specific criteria for that funding source and all applicants may be eligible, then you will not need to add criteria in the Manage Funds Criteria Information section.
Caution: If you used the matching fund eligibility question to match applicants, (the eligibility question that displayed to the applicant the eligible funds that they could select what they wanted to apply to), that question was built based on the funds you linked in the Setup Application Forms> Manage Application Funds and Manage Funds Criteria Information sections. Therefore, you will not want to add any additional funds at the time of awarding as the applicant’s application form has been closed and they will not be able to select that fund, due to it not being present at the time they applied.
- Step 2: Select the Scholarship Fund Name that you want to award.
- Step 3: This will open the Award Details for that funding source, listing all the applicants that applied and matched to the funding source, based on the criteria that were set in the Setup Application Forms > Manage Funds Criteria Information. (If you did not set any criteria, then all applicants that applied will show in the listing for that funding source)
(You will need to use the scroll bar at the bottom of this report to scroll left to right to see all the available columns in this report.)
- Step 4: When you first open this page the Total Score and Score columns will show a combined score on all tasks that were completed in the entire application form.
If you only want to see the scores for one specific task, click on the drop-down arrow located next to the Filter By Review Task, and search for the task that has the scoring you want to review for this funding source, and click on that task only.
- Step 5: The Total Score and Average Score will now show only the scores given for the task you selected.
The following options are available in this report:
Applicant Score - Clicking on the Applicant Score will allow you to see all the tasks that the applicant was scored on. This report will show the total score given in each task, and the reviewers that scored them. You can drill down by clicking on the task or score for a specific reviewer and open the actual scorecard for that reviewer and see how they scored that applicant in the task.
Award Applicant – Used to award the applicant of the funding source
Matching Awards – shows any additional funding sources within the application form that the applicant may be eligible for and matched to.
From Home > Select Application Form Name > Awards > Manage Awards – Multiple Funds > Click on Funding Name
Click on Matching Awards and the below screen will be displayed.
Award Questions - When you click on this icon, this will display any question(s) within the application form that was marked “yes” to Show on Award Screen, when the question was created in the Application form setup.
If you have a question that you want to appear here, you can go to that question in the Applications Setup and select this option on the individual question’s setup. You can add up to 20 questions to this view. Note, this will not affect the question if you do this after the applicant has applied.
Applicant - The name of the applicant
Email ID – The applicant’s email address used when creating their applicant account
External ID – (If Activated) the Id number for your external Database
Status – The current status of the applicant in the application process.
Status Details – (if used) the current status detail of the applicant.
Total Amount Awarded – The amount award in this funding source.
Total Score – The total score based on the task selected in the Filter by Review Tasks, if no task has been filtered, this will be the combined scoring Total across all tasks.
Avg. Score - The average score based on the task selected in the Filter by Review Tasks. The average is the total score divided by the number of reviewers in that task. If no task has been filtered, this will be the combined average of all scores in all tasks, divided by the total number of all reviewers in all tasks.
Automated Score – (if used) This is the total automated scoring score given to the applicant for any questions they answered that had an automated scoring set on those questions.
- Allows you to export the complete report to Excel, and open it on your local computer.
- Allows you to send an email to the selected applicant(s), using a pre-designed email template in the notification center for that application, or a custom email just for this one mailing.
- Step 6: When you are ready to award the applicant, you can click on the Award Applicant icon that is located on the same line for the applicant you want to award.
- Step 7: The Award Applicant Screen will appear showing the details of all the funding sources the applicant has already been awarded, if blank and if no awards have been awarded to that specific applicant.
- You can click on the Applicant Score button from this screen, to see all the tasks that the applicant was scored on. This report will show the total score given in each task, and the reviewers that scored them. You can drill down by clicking on the task or score for a specific reviewer and open the actual scorecard for that reviewer and see how they scored that applicant in the task.
Return to the Award Applicant by clicking on the Award Applicant in the breadcrumb navigation:
- Step 8: To add a new award, click on the Add Award Button
- Step 9: The following screen will appear:
- Step 10: Awarded Fund: Select the fund source name for the award that is to be awarded to the applicant.
- Step 11: This will automatically populate the Amount Allocated and Amount Available fields showing what is available to award out of the funding source.
- Step 12: Initial Award/Final Award – If you do not want applicants to see that they have been awarded before notifying them of the award, enter the Initial Award amount otherwise, skip the initial award and enter the amount in the Final Award. (once this award has been saved, if the Final Award is populated the applicant will be automatically moved to the “Selected for an Award “ status and the applicant will be able to see that they have been selected for an award.)
Difference between the Initial Award and Final Award Columns
When awarding applicants the Initial award column is an optional column that can be left blank and only have the Final Award Column populated. However, when an applicant is awarded in the Final Award column, their status is automatically moved to a status of “Selected for an Award”. That status is viewable by the applicants on their dashboards.
Therefore, some clients do not want to have this status show to the applicants until they have been notified, or are sure that all the funding has been checked and awarded correctly to the proper applicants. So they prefer to first award their applicants using the Initial Award Column.
Then once everything has been verified and the applicants have been personally notified, they will then go in and edit that applicant’s awarding and add the amount again to the Final Award Column causing the applicant to then be automatically moved to a status of “Selected for an Award”.
- Step 13: (optional) Add any comments you may want to include regarding the awarding of this award.
Step 14: (optional) if this is a renewable award and you want to track it using the Manage Renewal Applicants feature, select “Yes”, to open the additional Renewal Fields and update them with the renewal information. Otherwise, select “No”.
- Renewal Start Date – is the current term of the funding source award.
- Renewal End Date – is the current end date for the current award
- # of Years Renewable – is how many years is the award renewable for
- Next Renewal Date – the next date for this award to renew- must be greater than the Renewal end date.
- Step 15: Optional: If you have activated in Site Settings any additional customs Award Questions to appear, they will show here as well for you to complete. Once you complete them they will also appear on the Award Applicant screen in the Award details for that award.
- Step 16: Once you have entered your award data. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Award Applicant screen for that applicant.
- Step 17: The Award data will now show in the Award Applicant screen for that applicant.
- Step 18: If you have additional awards to award the applicant, you can award those from this same Award Applicant Screen without having to go back out and open that funds information. Click on the Add Award button again to add a second award and repeat steps 8 – 16 again for that award. If you are awarded using the Final Award column, all the applicants that were awarded will now show a status of “Selected for and Award”.
- Step 19: Click on the Back to Award Applicants Details link located at the top of the report, to return to the listing of matched applicants for this funding source.