Using Merge Fields
Below is the listing of merge fields found in the various email templates and the item it is looking at in the site to populate it.
Important Note: if a merge field is not listed in the Merge field listing for a specific template, then that merge field cannot be used in that template. If you use a merge field that is not available, the results will return as void.
Applicant First Name {FirstName} – The applicant’s login user account First Nam
Applicant Last Name {LastName} – The applicant’s login user account Last Name
Applicant Email {EmailID} – The applicant’s login user account Email
Applicant Login Link {LoginLink} – URL that directs the applicant to the site so that the applicant can log in to the site and begin their application process.
Reviewer First Name {Reviewer First Name} – First name of the Reviewer assigned to review the application.
Reviewer Last Name {Reviewer Last Name} – Last name of the Reviewer assigned to review the application.
Reviewer Email {EmailID} – Email address of the Reviewer assigned to review the application. Grants/Fellowship Name {Grants/Fellowships Name} – Funding source name entered in the funding source setup.
Application Name {Application Name} – Application form name entered in the General Information setup for the application.
Application Deadline Date {Deadline Date} – Deadline Date entered in the General Information setup for the application.
Application Contact Person First Name {Contact First Name} – The first name of the Contact Person that was entered in the Application’s General Information setup, Contact section.
Application Contact Person Last Name {Contact Last Name} – The Last name of the Contact Person that was entered in the Application’s General Information setup, Contact section.
Application Contact Email {Contact Email} – The email address of the Contact Person that was entered in the Application’s General Information setup, Contact section
Application Contact Phone {Contact Phone} – The phone number of the Contact Person that was entered in the Application’s General Information setup, Contact section
Final Award {Final Award} – this will list all the Final awards awarded to an applicant in the Manage Awards or the Batch Awards. It will list the name and the amount of the Final award. This is the figure entered in the Final Award column when awarding your applicants.
Initial Award {Initial Award} – this will list all the Initial awards awarded to an applicant in the Manage Awards or the Batch Awards. It will list the name and the amount of the initial award. This is the figure entered in the Initial Award column when awarding your applicants.
Scholarship Signature (site setting) {Signature} – this is the signature line that was entered in the Email Signature editor box when setting up the funding source associated with this application in the funding source setup. If this box was left blank in the setup, it will default to the signature set up in the Administration>Site Settings: General Settings: Signature.
Reply-To-Email {Reply-To-Email} – The email address that was entered in the Application’s General Information setup “Reply Sent From” field.
URL {URL} – URL of the site. This directs the applicant to your specific site.
User Password {Password} – The user’s login user account password. You caution when adding passwords to emails. Some applicants may not be comfortable with receiving emails in their inboxes that contain password information. As a security precaution, you would want to determine that your applicants would be acceptable to have this come in an email.
Released Sections {Sections} –This is used in the Application: Additional Information Request email template and notifies the applicant of the section and the deadline date to complete the released section by.
Additional Optional Details {Comments} – when sending email request from various areas in the site, there are occasions where you will see a “Comments” box appear, where you can add a comment to the recipient. (I.e., release a section, applicant’s request to recommenders in request sections, Application: Additional information request, etc.) The custom-system email template that is linked to that specific item should contain a merge field of “Comments”. The comments you or the applicant enter in those comment boxes would then appear in the email. Therefore, it is important to not remove this from those email templates that contain it. The “comments” field will only be available on those templates. All other templates would return a blank field.
Application Invitation Link {Application Invitation URL} – this is used only in the Application Invitation process in the Application: Application Invitation email template. This is the direct URL to the login page where the applicant will log in from that URL and then be directed to the application form where they can click the apply button and apply for that specific application. They can only initially access the application form through this link. Then once they click Apply and begin the application form, they can access the started application in their “My Applications tab” on their dashboard.
1.1 Merge Fields Only for Nomination Templates
The following merge fields are only used for Nomination email templates that are sent in Request Sections only.
Recommender Name – the name of the individual the applicant has requested to complete the recommended section
Request Details Link – the direct access URL link to the section the individual has been requested to complete.
Denies Link – link a requested individual can use to deny the request to complete the request section.
Access Code – The Nominator login access code is given to nominators of the request section to use to login using the Nominator Login feature.
Access Code URL {URL} – URL link given to recommended individuals in the request section to access the site to log in. This will direct them to the login page where they can enter their Access Code and be directed to the specific section they have been requested to complete.
Long URL - Long URL code URL link given to recommended individuals in the request section that directs the recommended individual directly to the section they have been requested to complete.
Section Deadline Date {Section Due Date} – the deadline date of the request (nominated) section that was entered in the section setup.
1.2 Referee Process Email Merge Fields
The following merge fields are only available when using the Referee functionality to refer applicants to specific application forms:
Referee School/School Agency – the name school/agency of the individual that has referred someone to a specific application form
Referee First Name – the First Name of the individual that has referred someone to a specific application form
Referee Last Name – the Last Name of the individual that has referred someone to a specific application form.
Referee Email – the email address of the individual that has referred someone to a specific application form
Referee Phone - the phone number of the individual that has referred someone to a specific application form.
Application Invitation Link {Application Invitation URL} –This is the URL that directs the referred individual to the application form that they have been approved to apply to.