Overview of the Manage Committees Listing
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Manage Applications > Manage Committees
Committees are set up for each separate application process. Open an application and click the Manage Committees option in the left sidebar menu of the Manage Applications tab. All committees, committee members, and assigned applicants will display.
Available Actions for the Manage Committees Listing
Add Committee: Click to create a new committee for this application. Enter the Name of the Committee under the Committee Name field and click Save and Exit.
Export to Excel: In the Manage Committees listing section, click the Export to Excel button. This will download a file containing the list of committees, members, and applicants for the selected application.
Select box: Click the box to the left of the Committee Name column to select a committee. This box enables you to select specific committees to include in a report you can export to Excel. If all boxes are left blank, all committees will be included in the exported file. Click the box in the header row to select or deselect all committees.
Edit (pencil) icon: Click the Edit icon to make changes to the Committee Name and/or to assign members to the committee.
Delete (trash can) icon: Click the Delete icon to delete a committee. This will delete the entire committee.
Column Descriptions for the Manage Committees Listing
Committee Name: Click the blue link (committee name) to view the Assign Members to Committees page.
Committee Members: Lists all users assigned to the committee.
Assigned Applicants: Lists all applicants assigned to the committee and includes the organization and program names.