Create Reviewer Tasks
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Evaluations > Reviewer Task Setup > Create Task button
Click the Create Task button to add a new task.
Note: You can also create a new task by cloning an existing task.
Fields with an asterisk are required.
Task Field Descriptions:
*Task Name: Enter a descriptive name for the task that your reviewers will understand.
When creating separate tasks needed for reviewing each funding source, it may be best to name the task the same name as the funding source, i.e. - Art Funding Score Sheet.
If you have multiple committees reviewing multiple funding sources using a task that is specific to their review process only and that may be used by the same committee to review multiple funding sources at one time, you may decide to name the task after the committee, i.e. - Grant Committee Score Sheet - reviews all the foundation funding sources using the same score sheet.
If you have a review process that is done in separate steps/stages, name the review task with that specific step/stage, i.e. - Qualification Review, Scoring Round 1, Scoring Round 2, etc.
*Order: This is the order in which the task is performed during your evaluation process.
Display on Review Reports: Determines whether the score for a reviewer task will be included in the average score displayed on the Review Committee Results report. This setting defaults to being checked because it is necessary to see it to assign committees and applicants to the task, as well as Ad Hoc Reports. This is for displaying review tasks to you as an Admin.
However, when you are ready to view the scoring results for each task in the Review Committee Results report, you will need to unselect this setting for all tasks except the ones you want to review.
Display to Reviewer: Determines whether the task will display on the Reviewer's dashboard.
Once your review process is complete, you can unselect this so that your reviewers cannot change their scores at a later time.
Click Save or Save & Exit to create the new task.
Important Note: You must create a separate task for each stage in your evaluation process. If you have different review processes or different committees on each funding source, you must create a different task for each funding source.
- If you have funding sources that have the same scoring rubric,
- The committee members are the same for every funding source review,
- The scores will not be different from one funding source to another,
- You can create one task for all the funding sources.