Number of Tasks to Set up for your Evaluation Process
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There are times when you can set up one task for all your reviewers. But there may be instances when you may need to add multiple tasks to an evaluation process. The following are scenarios from some of our clients:
- One to One application form (or a common application process reviewing the separate funding source application form)
- One committee reviews one time and the review is completed - only one task for this process is required.
- I have multiple stages in my review process that I need to view scoring on to move the applicants to the next stage - create a task for each stage in the process, making sure to turn off once it has been completed by unchecking the Display on Review Reports task setting.
2. One to Many application forms
- One committee reviews all the applicants that have applied using the same scoring task to review them. Then the applicants are matched to funding sources for which they qualify. Those applicants that scored the highest are then awarded the fund. Create one task for the scoring review.
- One committee reviews all the applicants that have applied and while there are multiple stages in the review process, each process has the same scoring task to review them. Create a task for each separate stage.
- One committee reviews all the funding sources, but each funding source has its scoring system and applicants could be reviewed multiple times if they are matched in more than one funding source. Each review could have a different score due to each funding source having different requirements. Create a task for each separate funding source. If you also had different stages for each funding source, you would need to create each stage as a separate task for each funding source.
- There are different Committees that review different funding sources and each committee uses the same scoring task, but there could be a crossover of applicants matching to multiple funding sources that are reviewed by different committees. Some of those committees may review multiple funds by the same committee, same members reviewing, (i.e., a foundation committee reviews all the funding sources that are foundation funds) but then other committees review separate funding sources that they are directly involved with.
- Each separate committee would have to have its task to be able to track how the applicant scored on the separate funding source(s).
- If the same committee is reviewing multiple funding sources, using the same scoring task and that score will not change on the same applies if they are matched to more than one funding source that the same committee is reviewing, then you can create a task for that specific committee.
- Different committees review different funding sources. Each committee has its scoring task that is different from others, or they have the same scoring task and are reviewing multiple funding sources, but each applicant matched in that separate funding source could be different in another funding source they matched to that same committee is reviewing. For each funding source that the committee reviews, there would need to be a separate scoring task created. (i.e., if they reviewed one fund, then one task can be created for just that one committee, but if they review multiple funds since each fund can have a different score, each separate fund has to have its scoring task and assigned separately to the committee.)