Add a Score Sheet or Questions to a Reviewer Task
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Evaluations > Reviewer Task Setup > Create/Edit link
To track the completion of a task, depending on the type of task(s) you have, you will need to add either basic questions for your reviewers to answer, or create your scoring question(s) for your online scoring task(s).
Questions are added and formatted in the same manner they are added to an application.
You can create questions that the reviewers must answer, (i.e. essays, text, yes/no, etc.), or create questions requiring the reviewer to type a numeric score or choose from a dropdown listing of pre-defined scores that will calculate the total score for the review.
Important: A scorecard task can contain any combination of question types available. However, only the questions in that scorecard task that are formatted as either a numeric or a dropdown question type will be calculated on and included in the scoring total. Questions formatted as any other question type will not be added to the scoring total.
To add a score sheet and/or questions to a task, click the Create/Edit link in the Score Sheet column for the task.
Click the Add Question button.
All fields marked with an asterisk are required.
Task Question Field Descriptions
Question: Enter the task question that is to be answered by the reviewer for a specific task in the Question editor box.
Note: The way you format the question in the editor box, is how the actual question will appear in the reviewer’s dashboard.
- Design Mode - This editor will allow you to format text similar to how you would do so in Microsoft Word. Using this feature, you can change the font size, colour, style, etc., as well as add additional formatting features to your question as needed.
- HTML text - To enter this text using HTML, click the HTML text tab at the bottom of the editor box.
Report/Excel Column Name: This is the name that displays your column headings in Excel exports and reports created in the Community Force system. Therefore, it is important to keep this name as a short descriptive version of your question so that you do not have to scroll through multiple pages to view the report. Report/Excel Column names cannot be the same. Each question that is created in a task must contain a different column name.
Question – Please enter your Last Name only:
Report/Excel Column Name – Last Name
Question XML Name: This is the abbreviated name that the database uses to refer to the question.
- The XML Name is very important when importing applicant data from one application to another or when integrating data from Community Force to another database.
- For this data extraction (mapping) to be successful, the source application’s task question and the destination application’s task question must have the same XML names.
- Once an application has been created, and data is being exported/imported, it is very important to never change this name in your application. When creating additional tasks that the reviewer can export/import scores from one task to the other task, so as not to have to re-enter data, the fields within the one task must have the same XML names as the fields of the new task they are importing data to be populated with.
The XML Name and the Report/Excel Column Name should usually be the same except the XML Name eliminates spaces between words.
Question – Please enter your Last Name only:
Report/Excel Column Name – Last Name
Question XML Name – LastName
Bubble Instruction: These instructions are brief helpful hints displayed to the reviewer regarding the information requested on this question. A blue icon will appear next to the question. When the reviewer places their cursor on this icon the information will be displayed. If you have important detailed instructions regarding how to answer a question, it may be better to include that explanation as part of the question itself or to add a “message type” question before this question. This will ensure that the instructions are not missed by the reviewer.
Example of Bubble Instructions
Question: Please enter your Date of Birth:
Bubble Instruction: use date format xx/xx/xxxx
Question Type: Descriptions of each question type are listed below.
- Checkbox - The Reviewer is presented with predetermined values to select from via a checkbox. All values are displayed on the application. The reviewer can check multiple values.
- Currency - A numeric field formatted with a dollar sign.
- Date - Allows for a date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
- Dropdown - The Reviewer is presented with predetermined values to select from a dropdown listing. The reviewer can only select one value from the list. If a listing of numeric values is provided, the numbers will be added and included in the scoring total. To pick up the score the amount must be entered in the Value field when adding the values. You can use the label field if you want to provide a listing of word items and then enter the score amount in the value field. Then the reviewer would only see the label word item and not the actual score tied to that item.
- Electronic Signature – allows you to capture the signature of the reviewer, the reviewer would enter their login in the name exactly as it appears in their login profile.
- Email - Allows for an email format:
- Essay Box - A large data entry area that allows text entry. May have a minimum and the maximum number of words.
- Extended Checkbox - The reviewer is presented with predetermined values to select from via a checkbox. The values are only displayed when the Reviewer clicks on the checkbox dropdown. Multiple values can be selected.
- File - Allows the reviewer to upload a document to the question.
- Float - Numeric with special characters or approximate numeric numbers. This question type will not calculate in the scoring total.
- Numeric - Exact numeric numbers. Best for using arithmetic calculations for exact results. When a numeric value is entered by the reviewer, the numbers will be added and included in the scoring total.
- Phone Number - Allows for a phone number format of XXX-XXX-XXXX.
- Radio Button - The reviewer is presented with predetermined values to select via a radio button. Only one value can be selected. All values are visible on the application.
- Reviewer Approval – This allows you to create an automatic radio button selection for the reviewer to select one of the following: Approved, Not Approved, or Need More Information.
- Text - A short data entry text field.
- Message - This allows you to enter a read-only message statement, instead of a value-related question.
Best Practice Tip - Many times you have a scoring question that requires a detailed explanation. Since the question types of Numeric and Dropdown will wrap in the display view, it is sometimes beneficial to first create the explanation detail in a Message question type. Then create a second question directly following that is the numeric or dropdown question for them to reply to.
Required: Click to check this box if reviewers are required to answer this question.
Scoring Comment: Only one question per task/stage is allowed to be checked as the Scoring Comment. It will be displayed in the Comment column on your reports and is used for the reviewer to enter their notes regarding the scoring of the specific applicant on that task/step. The question type should be an Essay Box if the question is to be a comment question so that the reviewer can type their comment in the essay field.
Check the box if the question is the reviewer’s comment for the task/stage.
Order: The sort order sequence number of the question as it appears on the page as the reviewer is reading the questions. If you enter a number that is already being used by another question in that section, the new question will take that number in the sequence and move the prior question directly after it with the next number in the sequence and all other questions below will be moved down one count.
This is a required field when creating questions and cannot be left blank.
Enter the number that you want the question to fall in sequence on the page as the reviewer is completing the task/stage.
Add File to this Question: If you have a document that may be informational to the reviewer to answer a specific question or a template that the reviewer can fill out and upload to a question, you can attach that document directly to the question referring to it, (i.e. the reviewer needs to see the policy and procedures: you can create the question and attach the policy and procedures document directly to the question for the reviewer to view)
You would first enter the question as usual in the question editor box and create the question type for the type of question you want the file attached to. This can be any kind of question type, however, if this document is only informational and not to be re-uploaded it is preferable to make the question a message question. If it is for an upload question you can attach the download to the upload question but be sure to explain to the reviewer that they need to complete the document and then re-upload it to the same question.
To attach the document click Choose File in the Upload File field. Once you upload the document, the filename will display to the right of the Choose File button. Click the Remove File link to delete the file from the question, if necessary.
Click Save or Save & Exit to add the question to the task.