Filter Applicants for Assignment to Committees
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Evaluations > Assignments to Committees > Filter By
In addition to selecting the status and/or status detail associated with applicants, you can further filter your list of applicants using a Custom Filter or a Funding filter.
Option 1: Custom Filters
This option will allow you to filter by a specific question(s) that is present in your application.
Click the Custom Filters radio button and the Add Custom Filter button will display.
Click the Add Custom Filter button to open the filter conditions window.
Click the Add a Field button to add a row.
Section Name: Select the section containing the field on which you wish to filter.
Field Name: Select the field on which you wish to filter.
To add another filter condition row, click the Add a Field button and select a section and then field. Continue to add as many rows as needed.
Click the Save button to save the filters and keep the filter conditions window open. Click the Save & Exit button to save the filters and return to the Assign Applicants page.
Click the Exit button if you do not want to save the filters defined and you will return to the Assign Applicants page.
Each filter you have defined will now display in the Filter By section. You will be prompted to select an operator and value on which to filter.
Option 2: Funding
This option will allow you to select a specific fund(s) to filter only the applicants that are eligible for that funding.
Click the Funding radio button and you will be prompted to select one or more funds to filter by.
Select each fund by clicking the box to the left of the fund name. Click the All button to select all funds. Click the None button to deselect any selected funds. Click Ok to save the fund choices.
Once you have defined all filter values click the Display Applicants button. All unassigned applicants will display by default.
You are now ready to assign applicants to committee members. Please see the Assign Applicants to Tasks and Committee Reviewers for more details.