Assign Applicants to Tasks and Committee Reviewers
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Evaluations > Assignments to Committees
Assign applicants to a task and one or more reviewers from one or more review committees.
- First, you must generate a list of unassigned applicants by completing the fields described below.
Select Task Name: Click the field to select the task to which you need to assign applicants. (Note: For a task to appear in this listing, the Display on Review Reports in the Task Setup must be selected.)
Select Status: This is optional and allows you to filter your list of applicants by a specific status.
Select Status Detail: This is optional and allows you to filter your list of applicants by a specific status detail.
Filter By: Further, refine your applicant list using custom filters or by a specific funding source.
Custom Filters - Existing custom filters will display as options when you click the Custom Filter radio button.
Click the Add Custom Filter button to create a new filter to refine your list of applicants.
Click the Section Name field to select the section of the application containing the field on which you need to filter. The Field Name list will populate with all fields from the selected application section. Select the field on which you will base your custom filter.
Click the Add a Field button to create another custom filter.
Click the Save button to save the custom filter field(s) and keep the Custom Filter(s) window opens.
Click the Save & Exit button to save the custom filter field(s) and return to the Assignments to Committee screen.
Click the Exit button to return to the Assignments to Committee screen without saving any custom filters you have created.
Click the Delete (trash can) icon if you need to delete a custom filter field. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
Funding: Filter your list of applicants by funding source they are eligible for by selecting the applicable fund from the dropdown list. Click the All button to select all funds and click the None button to deselect all selected funds. Click Ok to save the funding choices. (Note: When creating tasks for specific funding sources, you would want to filter on that funding source to see the listing of only those applicants that were matched to that funding.)
Once you have set all the desired criteria, click the Display Applicants button and the list of Unassigned Applicants will display in the lower window in the left box. The display defaults to listing unassigned applicants but this can be changed in the Show Applicants By box to either Assigned Applicants or All Applicants. However, when you are initially assigning applicants to a task and committee/reviewer, you will need to leave the default set to Unassigned Applicants.
2. The second step is to select the applicants to which the task must be assigned. Click the box to the left of the applicant's name to select the applicant.
Random Selection: Click this option and enter a number in the blank field to enable the system to randomly select a specific number of applicants for the selected task. Click Go and the designated number of applicants will be randomly checked in the list. (In the example below, we can scroll through the list to see the 5 applicants randomly selected.)
3. The third step is to select the committee and reviewer(s) to which the applicant will be assigned.
Click the Select Committee field to open a list of available committees and select the desired committee. A list of committee members will display.
Use the selection box to the left of each reviewer's name to select all applicable committee members who will review the selected applicants for the selected task. Click the All button to select all members and click the None button to deselect all selected members.
Random Selection: Click this box and enter a number in the blank field to enable the system to randomly select a specific number of reviewers for the selected task. Click Go and the designated number of reviewers will be randomly checked in the list. (See the example below.)
Once you have selected applicants and the committee and reviewer(s), click the Save Assignments button. A confirmation message will display in the lower-left corner of the screen.