- How can I edit email templates?
- Can I clone email templates?
- Notification center is not showing under archive application?
- Applicants are not receiving emails
- How to know the status of emails being sent
- Can I cancel the scheduled emails?
- Can I notify group of applicants?
- Can I edit the email template?
- Can I create custom email templates?
- Does the system record bounce backs, read receipts on emails?
- Where are my email templates that automatically get sent out of the system? Can I edit those email template?
- Does the system track the emails that go out?
- Can I have the emails go out from our organization's email server?
- Can I schedule emails to go out of the system prior to my application process going live?
- Can I add attachments to my emails?
- Can I add additional merge fields that are not present in the custom template?
- Can I add create separate email templates for my request sections?
- Can I resend an email?
- Can the recipient of the email reply back to me?
- Emails are not going out of the system, what could be the cause?