You can clone the question once or multiple times into the same section where the question is available. This process is helpful if you are creating multiple instances of the same question within the same section.
Note: If you need to clone the question from one section to another, you will need to create the question manually in the other section.
- Step 1: Once you log in as an admin, you will be presented with the application home page. From the application home page, click on the application name under which you want to clone the question.
- Step 2: If the application is not visible, you can use the search button to type in the application name and click on 'Search'.
- Step 3: Once you have searched for the application name, click on the application name.
- Step 4: Click on the 'Application Settings' tab in the top navigation to go to the section list page.
- Step 5: You will be presented with the list of sections created for this application. Click on the section name under which you want to clone the question.
- Step 6: Once you click on the section name, you will be presented with the list of existing questions created under this section.
- Step 7: Click on the 'Clone' button beside the question name that you want to clone to duplicate the question into this section.
- Step 8: Once you click on the 'Clone' button, you will have the option to duplicate this question multiple times within this section.
- Step 9: Specify the number of times you want to duplicate this question. If you only want to duplicate this question twice, enter '2' and click on 'Duplicate'.
- Step 10: The duplicated question(s) will be visible at the very bottom of the question list page. You can click on the duplicated question name to update the question name, the question values, or to adjust the question order if necessary.