Overview of the Questions Report Page
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Sections and Questions
To view a listing of all existing questions for a specific section, click the blue Section Name link.
Questions for each section can be viewed and edited using two different views. The default is the Classic View, shown below.
The Classic View displays all questions in the designated display order, as noted in the Display Order column. Several actions can be performed for one or multiple questions, as described below.
Preview Section: To preview how a section will display for an applicant, click the box in the first column on the row of the section you want to view and then click the Preview Section button.
Add Question: Click this button to add a question to the section you are currently viewing. The Add/Edit Question window will display in the Classic View.
Delete*: This button can be used to delete one or multiple questions at a time. Use caution when deleting questions and note that a question that has been answered by any applicant cannot be deleted.
Drag & Drop: Click this button to switch to the Drag & Drop view.
More Options: Use this menu in conjunction with the Select box located in the first column of the Questions report listing. You can perform the menu actions on one or multiple questions.
- Add Condition(s): Click to add conditional logic to one or more selected questions.
- Require/Not Require: Click to mark one or more questions as excluded or included. An excluded question is not deleted from the application but is hidden from the applicant.
Exclude/Include: Allows you to mark a question as excluded or included. Excluded means it is no longer part of the application form and the applicant does not see it or has to complete it.
- Hide/Un-Hide from Reviewer: This setting hides a question so that it does not display when the reviewer views an application. If a question is hidden, click this button to unhide the question. You can perform this action on one or multiple questions at a time.
Question Report Listing Column Descriptions:
- Selection Box: Click the box in the first column to select one or multiple questions.
- Linked: A link icon will display if this question is linked to another question within the application.
- Display Order: The sequence in which each question will be displayed on the application.
- Up/Down Arrows: Click an arrow to move a question up or down in the display order.
- Question: The text for the question. Click the blue question name link to view or edit question details.
- Question XML Name: The XML mapping name given to the question for linking data to external databases or other applications for report generation and data export/import.
- Type: The format type of the question, i.e., text, dropdown, essay, phone number, etc.
- Required: Yes displays if the question is required, otherwise the field will be blank.
- Excluded: Yes displays if the question is excluded from displaying on the application for the applicant, otherwise the field will be blank.
- Hidden from Applicant: This question is not viewable by the applicant and therefore, not answered by the applicant.
- Hidden from Reviewer: This question is not viewable by reviewers.
- Default Value: If a default answer for the question has been defined, in the event the applicant does not provide an answer, this value will display in the column by default.
- Conditions: Click the Add/Edit link to set conditional logic for the specific question. If the link is green this indicates that conditions have been set for this question.