There may be instances in which you need an applicant to fill out specific sections of an application, which may not be necessary for all applicants. Conditional Logic can be set on a section to make it appear based on how
the applicant answers questions in other sections of the application. Conditions are set on the section that will be affected by the conditional logic and will appear when the specified conditions are met.
Accessing Section List Screen:
To learn how to navigate to the section list page and add conditional logic to the relevant section(s), please follow the steps below:
- Step 1: Once you log in as an admin, you will be presented with the application homepage. From the application homepage, click on the application name under which you would like to make changes.
- Step 2: If the application is not available on the application homepage, you can search for the application by clicking on the search button.
- Step 3: After searching for the application, click on its name.
- Step 4: Click on the 'Application Settings' tab in the top navigation to access the section list page.
Adding Section Conditional Logic
Exercise 1
Step 1: While on Section and Question Setup Listing, set conditional logic on one specific section, by clicking on the Add/Edit in the Conditions column next to that section.
Note: The first section will not have conditions since it is the initial screen that applicants will see and cannot be blocked with conditions. Sections with conditions set on them will have the 'Add/Edit' option under the conditions column highlighted in green.
Note: The first section will not have conditions since it is the initial screen that applicants will see and cannot be blocked with conditions. Sections with conditions set on them will have the 'Add/Edit' option under the conditions column highlighted in green.
The Conditional pop-up is used to determine when a section is displayed to the applicant based on their responses to specific questions within your application. These conditions can be set on a single data value or a combination of data values. When creating conditions, you select the values that, when met, will cause the selected section to appear in the applicant’s dashboard. Sections without conditions will automatically appear and do not require conditions to be visible.
- Step 2: Try entering a condition for a section using the following guidelines. Once you enter your first condition, click the 'Add Condition' button to add additional lines of conditions. The delete button allows you to remove a condition you do not want.
To add a condition to show a section:
- Section: What section has the question that will trigger this section to appear? Select that section.
- Question Name: What question is the trigger for this section to appear? Select that question.
Condition Type: What is the condition of the answer/value that has to be met for the section to appear? Select that condition. Possible conditions are:
- Contains – the answer/value contains this value
- Starts With - the answer/value starts with this value
- Does Not Contain - the answer/value does not contain this value
- Is Not Empty - the answer/value is not empty (applicant has answered this question)
- Is Empty - the answer/value field is empty (applicant has not answered this question)
- Is Exactly – the answer/value must exactly match the value.
- Is Less Than - the answer/value is numeric and is less than the value amount
- Is Equal To - the answer/value is numeric and is equal to the value amount
- Is Greater Than - the answer/value is greater than the value amount
- Is Not Equal To - the answer/value is numeric and is not equal to the amount.
- Value:What is the answer/value the applicant must answer the section to appear? Enter the value. (The value must be entered exactly as it is in the question setup)
- Operator: Used when entering multiple lines of condition values. And means all of the conditions in the listing need to be met to cause a section to appear. Or means either of the conditions needs to be met. This applies to the row that and/or is on, and the next condition row following. If you have groups of conditions, it applies to each line in the group and then on the last line of the group, how it relates to the next group of condition values.
- Grouping: This column groups your conditions into sets of conditions. You may have several groups of conditions where the first group is executed and then the second group is executed etc. Assign each of the conditions in a group the same number. The first group is 1, the second group is 2, etc.
- Example 1: You want the Work Experience Section to only appear for applicants that have completed the General Information Section and selected “Yes” to the question: “Are you currently employed?” Andthey selected “yes” to the question: “Do you have employment information to include?” You would enter the condition as follows on the Work Information Section:
The section would not appear unless the applicant answered exactly this way on both of the questions. If they answered “yes” on one and “no” on the other it would not appear. If you use “or”,then it would have appeared on just one of the questions answered as “yes”.
- Example 2: The essay section is only necessary if you are a Male older than 25 or a Female older than 20. So you want the Essay Section to only appear for applicants that have completed the General Information section and selected Gender: “Male” and answered Age: as any age greater than 25. Or Gender: “Female” and answered and answered Age: as any age greater than 20. The condition would be set as follows:
The section would appear if the applicant answered he was a male and his age was above 25, both conditions would have to be met for group 1.
Or the other reason the section would appear would be if:
The applicant answered she was a female and her age was above 20, both of her conditions would have to be met for group 2.
- Step 3: After you have entered your conditions information, be sure to select Save to save any conditions you have added.
- Step 4: Once you return to the Section listing screen the Add/Edit in Condition column next to your section will now display as green, showing that conditions have been entered on that section. If it is not showing as green, click ”Save” on the Sections listing screen to refresh your information.
Setting Conditional Logic on Multiple Sections
If you have sections that have the same conditional logic on multiple sections, you can set the logic for all the sections at the same time without having to go in on each separate section to set it.
Best Practice Tip: Once a section has logic set on it you will not be able to select it for the multiple selection options. Therefore, when setting logic on multiple sections, set that multiple logic first. Then go back in on the individual sections and add the additional conditions that apply only to that single section.
- Step 1: While in the Section and Question Setup Listing, select all the sections you want to enter the logic on, by entering a checkmark in the box next to that section.
- Step 2: Click the Add Condition(s) button.
- Step 3: This will open the 'Add Condition' box. Notice that it lists at the top of the box all the sections to which it will be adding that condition.
Step 4: Enter the conditions, as you would if it was just for one section, that apply to all the sections and click the Save and Exit to return to the Section Display. All the sections will now have the condition set on them.
- Note: If you need to add additional conditions on just one of the sections that you just updated in the group, you can click on the Add/Edit next to that section and add the additional conditions that apply only to that section.